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February 28th - March 29th!


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I've had dreams like that... Reprimanding my choice in my dreams is too funny.



How are you folks planning to sum things up?

Will you treat this as an elimination diet experiment and reintroduce some of the foods again one-by-one to see what they do?

Will you keep on going just like this and stick to only what's on the Whole30 shopping list?


I think i'm going to reintroduce some things. Starting with the soup boullion I typically use - which I thought was among the better versions out there. I love, love, love, making soup and in the past I noticed that beef soups in particular made me flush and feel super warm. I have often wondered if it was the broth or combo of other things? So, i'm going to start with cup of broth and see what happens. I just don't like buying premade broth and it is a fairly big effort to make a homemade broth every time I want soup.


And then sushi - i just want sushi. I did consider bringing my coconut aminos sauce with me though ;-) I can do without the bread still and no need for cereals for me. But the occasional rice, I'd like to know.

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I'm carrying on for another 30 days and definitely doing a W60 possibly a W90.  That will take me the week before I go on holiday.  The only thing I want to reintroduce is rice and oats and milk and cheese.  I haven't really eaten bread or pasta etc for years, I'm not much of a drinker except a glass of wine once in a blue moon so I'll cross that bridge when the occasion arises.  I want to eliminate sugar and sugar substitutes from my diet as far as possible and I think doing a W90 will really get all that out of my system, but I will be less paranoid about label checking every little thing... not that I buy much pre-packaged processed stuff these days anyway.  I've noticed from reading this forum that sugar seems to be added to far more every day stuff in the US than it is in the UK so from that point of view I think we are lucky. 

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Wow scary that it's first in the ingredients isn't it?  I bought some smoked mackerel in a peri-peri dressing the other week.... didn't read the label in the store but lucky I did later at home.  Yup, sugar in the dressing.  Put that in the freezer for post whole 30 as probably not enough sugar in it to wake the dragon.

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I'm on day 30! That went fast. I am glad to relax things a little for the purposes of upcoming travel, but I am glad to stay on plan as much as possible. I also know I don't need to reintroduce most of the items we kept away.

  1. I can do without dairy except for the occasional ice cream in the future.
  2. I rarely have a drink except when out with friends every couple months or so.
  3. I mostly don't want sandwiches - except for the one sandwich that is just so sloppy delicious good - a grilled rueben. But I know I don't actually even need that, so I won't go out of my way.
  4. I will be glad to have my maple syrup back as my sweetner of choice, but even so, i'm sure i'll use way less.
  5. Perhaps i'll permit some almond-flour-pancakes into my life on rare occasion.
  6. Beans are tasty when prepared right, but I know I get so bloated eating them, it's 2-3 days of discomfort as they try to get out of my body. I'll  just say no and look for an alternative recipe for my favorite lentil soup.
  7. Unless the soy is organic, i'd really like to stay away, but I may be less strict with condiments again - I was underwhelmed by the home made mayo.
  8. And in terms of added sugar, there are so many great BBQ sauces that add a kick to dinner - it's better than making my own - and the portions are small, it won't release the dragon.
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I'm with you on all those points... aprt from home made mayo.  It's taken me 29 days but yesterday I think I more or less cracked the recipe! More yolks and less whites seem to be the thing for me as it came out solid and very mayo like at last not sloppy like my previous attempts.

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I ate ice cream today at the airport. It tasted disgusting. i have to say, the texture and cold was exactly what i wanted, but the flavor (haagen dazs cookies and cream) tasted synthetic and now my mouth feels icky. i’m also afraid i’m gonna have a belly ache. this goes on this list of never foods if only because it is not worth it. 

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Luckily I've never been a big ice cream fan but I was making tea for everyone this morning and the smell of the milk turned my stomach.  Think I will happily leave dairy alone for a good while longer yet.

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isn't it funny. today so many of my friends posted pictures of their children with easter baskets filled with candy and the desserts their families will eat and the sweets made me cringe. i still like sweets, but the options they had were so unappealing...


i have also walked down the dairy isle about 3 times this week and looked at things and read labels and then said, why bother. Also, even though greek yogurt is a healthier option for humans to consume, it's lousy for the environment at the moment. http://modernfarmer.com/2013/05/whey-too-much-greek-yogurts-dark-side/- that said, i keep considering an organic yogurt and straining it myself...

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