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Snacking Addict starting her first Whole30!

Snacking Addict

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Hello Whole30 Lovers,


My name is Steph and this is my First Whole30. I'm an ex-collegiate athlete transitioning into the "real world." Beside adjusting to the new stresses of jobs, bills, student loans, relationships, and everything else in between I started struggling to find my new "healthy" lifestyle. 


I was a competitive swimmer my whole life, and consuming ridiculous amounts of calories just to keep up with two-a-day work out regimen. There was nothing off limits and it felt like no matter what I ate or how much I ate, I was leaner, stronger, and more toned than I had ever been. When the swimming stopped…..the eating habits did not. 


I continued to eat, eat, and eat some more. I lost all my muscle, gained more than just a few pounds, and I had adapted a horrible relationship with food. I've tried everything from reducing calories, only eating vegetables, juicing for days on end, cutting out this, cutting out that, this trendy cleanse and that popular diet. Nothing was making me feel better, and I certainly wasn't losing any of that weight. I realized I knew nothing about nutrition and what I thought was "healthy" was actually not healthy at all. Scary Stuff! 


So…A friend recommended the Whole30. I read the book in two days, and eagerly started my journey the next day (March 2nd). For the first time I feel like I have the ticket to success. The first week has been tough so far, but I'm excited about the way things are going. BUT I MISS SNACKING (especially sweets)! Thats my hardest obstacle by far. 


This snacker, is dead set on sticking with this program! Looking forward to the rest of my Whole30 journey, and reading all your posts for support and help along the way. 


Here's to a healthy lifestyle…that lasts a life time!





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I believe it was a topic on the Whole 9 life that really explained it for me- don't beat yourself up if you're sticking to the food choices but not "perfectly." There is no perfect whole 30- that's to say, you need a snack here and there. If you're finding yourself hungry snacks, increase your portion size of protein, veggies and healthy fats!

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Hello Whole30 Lovers,


My name is Steph and this is my First Whole30. I'm an ex-collegiate athlete transitioning into the "real world." Beside adjusting to the new stresses of jobs, bills, student loans, relationships, and everything else in between I started struggling to find my new "healthy" lifestyle. 


I was a competitive swimmer my whole life, and consuming ridiculous amounts of calories just to keep up with two-a-day work out regimen. There was nothing off limits and it felt like no matter what I ate or how much I ate, I was leaner, stronger, and more toned than I had ever been. When the swimming stopped…..the eating habits did not. 


I continued to eat, eat, and eat some more. I lost all my muscle, gained more than just a few pounds, and I had adapted a horrible relationship with food. I've tried everything from reducing calories, only eating vegetables, juicing for days on end, cutting out this, cutting out that, this trendy cleanse and that popular diet. Nothing was making me feel better, and I certainly wasn't losing any of that weight. I realized I knew nothing about nutrition and what I thought was "healthy" was actually not healthy at all. Scary Stuff! 


So…A friend recommended the Whole30. I read the book in two days, and eagerly started my journey the next day (March 2nd). For the first time I feel like I have the ticket to success. The first week has been tough so far, but I'm excited about the way things are going. BUT I MISS SNACKING (especially sweets)! Thats my hardest obstacle by far. 


This snacker, is dead set on sticking with this program! Looking forward to the rest of my Whole30 journey, and reading all your posts for support and help along the way. 


Here's to a healthy lifestyle…that lasts a life time!



Hey Stephanie, congratulations on finding your way here!  


Snacking and sweets/sugar dragons are among the most distressing for people to resolve on Whole30.  A few things that can make it easier:


  • eat enough at each meal to keep you satisfied for 4-5 hours; follow our template for best results (linked below)
  • make sure you are eating at least one serving of starchy veggie per day, more if you are active, tired, cranky, headache etc.
  • if you are craving something sweet, feed it with protein, fat and veggies.  Don't give in to desires for sweet stuff with sweet stuff, even fruits. That keeps your dragon alive and well, unfortunately.  Fresh fruit can be included with a main protein/fat/veggie meal and our recommendation is 1-2 pieces per day.  Dried fruits should be used as a condiment/flavouring agent.
  • nuts and coconut, while compliant, can keep the hand-to-mouth snacking desire alive, watch that intake.


You can do this and I hope you will be pleasantly surprised at the end when your emotions surrounding food and snacking have changed.  :)

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