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Jane's Whole30 log - low histamine


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So I've had these bizarre health issues since last year - swelling above my eyes that continues to get worse, and eyelid swelling every time I eat, worse when I eat processed foods.  I went to NINE doctors last year and no one could tell me what was wrong with me or how to fix it.  It was extremely frustrating.  I did learn that I am allergic to synthetic fragrances and Balsam of Peru, and have a benzoate sensitivity as a result of these allergies.  I had already been making my own personal care and cleaning products in order to avoid fragrances, so I didn't think this was helpful at the time. 


I completed my first Whole30 last September and my symptoms did not improve, although I saw other improvements.  Still, my main reason for doing the Whole30 was to have this hideous swelling go away, and when that did not happen I was heartbroken.  I let my health take a serious nosedive starting in December - I had moved into an apartment that I absolutely hated because it SMELLED (new carpet and abrasive cleaning supplies), I turned 40, and I am still struggling to deal with the loss of my mother, who was my best friend.  I binged for three months, and I wish I was joking or exaggerating when I say that, but I'm not.  I gained 20 pounds, and the swelling above my eyes continued to get worse.  It's embarrassing.  So I started another Whole30 on March 3.  


I wish I could say I am on day 13 and feeling awesome.  However, I realized over the weekend that I need to do the low histamine version.  The foods to avoid for histamine intolerance and benzoate sensitivity are almost exactly the same, with the exception of nuts and eggs (allowed for BS, not allowed for LH).  I ate nuts and/or nut butters daily on my first Whole30, and eggs at least 3-4 times a week, which could explain why I didn't see the results I wanted.  I hadn't eaten nuts at all until this part Thursday and Friday, and had a reaction to them both times.  :(  I suppose I could have kept going, but I need an entire 30 days of foods that do not agitate me, so I restarted this morning. 


I don't really want to keep a log, but I need accountability and would really like some support.  I have told some friends and family members what I am doing, but don't get a lot of support because they all think this way of eating is too extreme and don't understand why I can't just take a pill (there is no pill for this, not that I would prefer one).  

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I'd like to offer you my condolences for the loss of your dear mother.    You've been through alot of emotional stress.


Auntjane,  I took a relative to a Chinese doctor of medicine.  He's been suffering with allergies his entire life.  Have you moved around alot over the course of your lifetime....different locales, climates?

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Thanks, ladies, for the encouragement and sympathies. 


MeadowLily, I've lived in the same city my entire life!  Never had any issues with allergies until last year, and I had to go through three rounds of allergy tests before I actually tested positive to something!   Very strange.  Cute avatar, btw - I love squirrels! 

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Thanks, MeadowLily. 


I can tell already that getting enough protein is going to be a struggle for me.  I am not a big protein eater anyway (was a vegetarian for years until I developed a B12 deficiency; I still don't like to cook meat), and my histamine intolerance and benzoate sensitivity are going to make it even harder.  Eggs are out, and so is any kind of marinate or spice/seasoning except for salt and a little bit of pepper.  I stink at cooking red meat too - I've tried too cook a steak a few times, and they have always turned out tough. 


This will all be worth it if some day (sooner rather than later, I hope) the swelling above my eyes goes down.  It's hideous, and it's painful and itchy. 

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I'm struggling today.  I'm not having any cravings or anything, I'm just depressed I guess.  A regular Whole30 is restrictive enough, but the low histamine version is even more difficult.  No more nuts or nut butters (these can be food with no brakes for me, so it's probably for the best), and I can't have eggs and most fruits (a lot of the fruits that are okay for low histamine are NOT okay for benzene sensitivity...so I can eat an apple...).  On top of that, I'm not really feeling better.  This is day six since my restart after ten days.  I am sleeping better and I can tell I've lost some weight, but my biggest concern, the swelling above my eyes and my chemical sensitivity, is no better and is really bothering me today.  It was actually easier to tolerate when I was eating chocolate and feeling bad, because I could say that I felt bad because of the chocolate.  I feel like I'm doing so well and still feeling bad, and I know it hasn't been very long and it can take A LONG TIME to get better, but it's just frustrating.  I went to Whole Foods this morning and bought a ton of vegetables and chicken, and nothing else.  And that kind-of sucked.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Jane , Can relate. I have recently learned the swelling eyelids  dark shiners have been the result of eating high histamine foods as I am trying to heal and seal my leaky gut. My diet was  fermented veggies eggs nuts lemons avocados spinach olives and sharp cheddar as my guilty snack.  I have been sensitive to dried fruits citrus and dark chocolate but these new symptoms drew me to the obvious conclusion , as they had one thing in common  high histamine.  Such a drag as I have ankylosing spondylitis and I already have such a restrictive diet!  Interestingly enough before I stared using NSAIDS for inflammation  I had no food or chemical sensitivities!  When you mentioned the smell of your house,hahah! I have had the same problem.  It smells! I am becoming more sensitive to that as well. I am thinking having gut permeability has something to do with these cascading new problems.  I now am wondering what the hell I can eat! I have binging in my history and giving up cheese and sugar so hard!  Hoping as I heal my gut  I will be able to eat my favorite foods again. 

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