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Frustrating surprises - sprayable coconut oil

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So I'm on day 5 on my first Whole30, and things are still going surprisingly well... with the exception one tiny but frustrating detail.

So during my shopping the other day I found a can of spray coconut oil (like generic nonstick spray). "Score!" I thought. I love cooking with coconut oil straight out of the jar, but sometimes you just need a little so I thought the spray version would be great.


Woe is me, I didn't read the label in the store, and it turns out that this product contains soy lecithin.


Now, were you in my position would you a) put the can back in the pantry and use it when Whole30 was over, or b ) keep using it because likely a very, very miniscule amount of soy will get into my system as a result of this product.


I know I could be very "by the book", but I'm wondering if that's necessary in this case.

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Soy, even in trace amounts, is one of The Big Disruptors.  Put the spray away....and you might consider doing a Whole35 to get an entire 30 clean days.


Check out the "Do I Have To Start Over" article linked in my signature below.

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I've concluded that I will likely do the whole35 - I didn't really do a lot of prep before starting the program so I'm kinda looking at this first week as a 'test' - to get the bugs out.  The more I read, the more I wonder if perhaps I've slipped up without realizing or intending.  I'm also using this week to make and stock up on some of the home mades - mayo, ketchup, dressings & spice blends.

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