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Starting Again, again (again)


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Just a note to put out there in the interweb universe to 'officially' declare that I'm doing this again.


I did a complete Whole30 2 years ago and did it 100%. I felt fabulous and even bought myself a bunch of flowers as a thank you! to me. :) Last year I tried again and quit after a week (which is really counterintuitive if you think about it -- you start the plan to feel better but then feel worse, so you quit the plan to feel better but then you end up feeling worse).


And then I tried twice this year, quitting both times before the day was done. I don't know where the heck my resolve was but it was not inside me.


So yesterday I tried again. I told myself I just needed to make it through the day (the WHOLE day). My kid left a mini chocolate cake at home (it was the only off limit thing in my home and he was the one who brought it) and by evening I ended up coating it in mustard so I wouldn't eat it and threw it down the garbage disposal (sorry kiddo). And I did it -- I made it through the whole day. Today, same thing. One way or another I will get through the day, even if it means going to bed early. (I'm so tired anyway, so that wouldn't be a problem.)


I never really understood taking things one day at a time until just now. I seem to have lost a bit of confidence in my ability to commit to this, so focusing on one day for now seems doable to me. I'm usually much more witty than this, but my brain is mud. That's what day 2 does to you I guess.


Hope you all have a great whole30. :)


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I'm not a hockey fan by any stretch but this quote from Wayne Gretzky always stayed with me. "You miss 100% of the shots you don't take." You see someone who's failed twice this year - and are beating yourself up pretty hard about it. I seem someone who's picked up their boot own straps and *tried* to turn things around - twice. That gets two fist bumps from me.


You can do this. You have an entire team of whole 30ers cheering you on and ready to support you! :)


ps. Let me know if you need a mustard wingman. You can deluge any french fries that come my way and I can reciprocate the favour. :P

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I'm right there with you. I have restarted more times than I can count after being on a clean paleo diet for over a year and falling off.  My first go was straightforward from the start, plenty of willpower. Now i have none. I 'feel' hungry for carbs and I know its not real hunger but I want to feed it. 


Anyway, I'll tag along with you and see if we can get through some days one at a time. I like that approach.


Be well!

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Hi Gunderson / Marieke


I'll tag along with you too

I started my 2nd whole 30 in Feb but it went wrong after a big allergic reaction

So I have gone AIP but have been really struggling to keep to a whole 30 regime 

However I have to get better so have to commit to at least 30 days possibly 60-90 on AIP

Like you I just want to get through each day 

I have also been feeling really down on food and just want to carb out / eat loads

I also feel like my will power has gone (so have been reading better than before - which has been quite enlightening)

I struggle with 3 meals a day - as even when I lived on 1-2 meals a day and ran about 30 miles a week (on top of regular exercise classes) I could still put weight on - I am currently about 10 pounds over and my lovely clothes no longer fit

Feeling a bit blue - I watch others eat what they want and I know I cant 

I know when my head gets around the AIP thing I will probably be OK but I am really grieving the loss of foods at the moment 


Support would be great - enjoy day 3



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Hi All


Day 3 went ok - stuck to 3 meals & no snacks (albeit M2 was more on the hoof than sitting down - something to improve on - but was so busy yesterday)

Into day 4 - just have to knuckle down to holding off a little later for lunch and sitting down to dinner - you would think it would be easy !!!


My positives for today

  • I am at "willpower and grace" tonight which I really enjoy
  • Also I am reading "better than before" which I am also enjoying - I have been starting to self talk that I am in the habit of...  NOT SNACKING / HAVING 3 MEALS etc - the book has given me lots of food for thought

Hope all goes well for you today



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Into day 4 - just have to knuckle down to holding off a little later for lunch and sitting down to dinner - you would think it would be easy !!!

If you are legitimately hungry between meals, you don't have to "knuckle down", you can eat! We recommend something containing at least protein and fat but ideally also a veggie (hard boiled egg w/ some cucumber, for example).

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If you are legitimately hungry between meals, you don't have to "knuckle down", you can eat! We recommend something containing at least protein and fat but ideally also a veggie (hard boiled egg w/ some cucumber, for example).


Hi ladyshanny 

No I am trying to break a snacking / grazing habit and get to 3 meals a day 

& PLEASE DONT TEMPT ME WITH AN EGG - I'm AIP and deeply mourning the loss of those white and yellow ovals of joy


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Hi ladyshanny 

No I am trying to break a snacking / grazing habit and get to 3 meals a day 

& PLEASE DONT TEMPT ME WITH AN EGG - I'm AIP and deeply mourning the loss of those white and yellow ovals of joy


Woopsie, sorry!   :(

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Day 5


Yesterday went well – 3 meals & no snacks I could have eaten your arm off when I got home but was fine once dinner was consumed.


Did “willpower and grace last” night – my legs are aching today – but it was a good class – strangely I sweated loads (I normally don’t sweat at all unless it is really hot) so that was probably a bonus – flush those toxins out !


I found it hard to get to sleep last night and woke up early but generally feel ok.


Today I am meeting friend for coffee (well water) I really like my coffee and giving it up while going AIP has been hard – so I will have some explaining to do – but the prospect of going back to coffee and then maybe having to drop it again and going through the whole coffee withdrawal is keeping me strong, (have been off it now about 3 weeks).


I know W30 say coffee is ok for AIP but I am following the Mickey Trescott food list.


Todays positives

·         Skin is less dry than usual

·         I have my step class and body balance later both of which I really enjoy


Hope you are all doing well



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Day 7


All going fine – 3 meals & only a spoonful or 2 of coconut oil to put the sugar dragon at bay

AIP is working well for me

Years of bloating seem to be slowly going away

I have tried eliminating loads of things over the years and bloating rarely went away - have been gluten / dairy free for about 3-4 years

Have decided this must be down to something I have had all my life and never questioned – possibly nightshades e.g. black pepper / tomato

I am going to be really careful with any re-introductions - hopefully eggs will be ok

If anyone has tried a W30 before and felt it hasn’t really worked for them AIP might be the way to go


My positives

·         My eldest boy is off on his 1st skiing trip to Switzerland tomorrow – I am so excited for him – he will LOVE it  

·         My second boy was in his school play last night – as Baloo the Bear in the Jungle Book – he was a star – I am SO proud


My down points

·         Got my last bone density results and have had 10% bone density loss in the last 2 years (the last 1 when I have been eating paleo/primal ) – so I am a bit upset that I am slowly dissolving away - ANY TOP TIPS FOR BONE STRENGTHENING WHEN YOU EAT AIP ?


Good luck to all


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·         Got my last bone density results and have had 10% bone density loss in the last 2 years (the last 1 when I have been eating paleo/primal ) – so I am a bit upset that I am slowly dissolving away - ANY TOP TIPS FOR BONE STRENGTHENING WHEN YOU EAT AIP ?




In addition to diet, strength training is vital to maintaining bone density. Lifting weights will strengthen bones, along with the muscles that support them.

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In addition to diet, strength training is vital to maintaining bone density. Lifting weights will strengthen bones, along with the muscles that support them.


Yes I do strength training - some weights / planks / squats / lunges / push ups / pull ups (rubbish at these)

Maybe not enough - although my muscles are pretty strong for a 5ft 2 petite wimp

My bones seem to just be dissolving away 

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