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Getting ready to start.....again.

Jon Ball

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hello.  just joined.  I will be starting my Whole30 again in a couple of weeks.  I was on week 3 when I got quite sick and could only stomach jello.  NOT whole30.  I fell off of the wagon, got sick with more crud, so I've been nursing myself along.  In the meantime I am finishing It "Starts With Food". 


I don't really care how much weight I loose or how my physical appearance changes....though it would be nice to find my cheekbones again.  I have a couple of medical issues that I need resolved and am hoping that the WholeLife will do it.  It should. 


I am not a vegetarian.  I have been (years ago) on the Macrobiotic plan for a few years.  But I can no longer stomach brown rice.  The Whole30 seems to be quite similar but a lot more realistic. 


I will start a log when I begin my Whole30....again.  I am looking forward to the support of a forum.


If anyone here is a Pinterester (ie?), look me up.  I am Jon Ball with the same avatar. I am always looking to connect with others that have recipes of a Whole30 or Paleo nature.


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Welcome back!


Macrobiotics is radically different from W30. Lots of soy and beans and whole grains and very little animal protein. I'm glad you're reading It Starts With Food!

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Thanks for the support.  What i did like about Macrobiotics was that they really pushed eating locally grown food.  Their take was that by eating local, you were eating, seasonally, what your body needed.  I did find some great foods and combinations as a result, but it did not work for a long term life style.  I can see that the Whole30/life would work very well.  Getting the kids to go along will be another story.  My wife is the one that turned me on to it.  So I have a built-in partner. 

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