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You could also just be experiencing the full scale body change that comes with the Whole30 for many people.  Stay the course, reduce or eliminate nuts for this and other reasons (digestive, unbalanced Omegas, food without brakes) and I think you will find it clearing up as you go on.

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  • 2 weeks later...

I just noticed right now that I have a bunch of little bumps all over my face. I have never had acne or extreme pimples. I'm going into day 7 tomorrow - is it really just nuts? I don't think I've had that many in the course if this but had some today but I don't think by much more. Could lemon do this?

How soon should it clear up?

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I am on day 12 on my Whole30 and one thing I was looking forward to during this process was hopefully having my acne clear up. I usually have cystic acne. Last week I noticed I didn't get any new pimples...just clearing up what I already had. Unfortunately, this week I have been breaking out a TON. However, I have noticed it's different than the type I normally have and is surfaced small pimples. I have seen that the increase in nuts or fruit could be due to this, but I have only been having some fruit in the mornings (1/2 cup of blueberries or unsweetened organic applesauce) and maybe a compliant Lara Bar on rare occasions.


Any ideas or help? Could this be from detoxing?

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