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Day 11 - HUGE NSV


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I don't normally post on forums, etc. but I have to share today's major victory: in preparation for a dog and pony show at the office for a manufacturer, I was tasked with bringing Diet Coke, Diet Dr. Pepper, and good chocolate to put out... The regular sodas in the fridge have never been a problem, but we were out of diet sodas so we needed to replenish. The fact that I went to the store, purchased my favorite beverages (on which I used to rely heavily) and chocolate, took them to work, set them out, and FELT NO TEMPTATION was a huge win. 


Full disclosure: I did smell the chocolate...and it smelled like chocolate.

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Yay! Ding, ding, ding!!! Way to go figbeet (two of my favourite foods, by the way :)) What's equally awesome to me is that fact that you recognize what was once your crutch - and then sailed right past it. I think of undertaking a whole 30 as Jedi training. Level one is physical. Level two is mind/body awareness. Yoda level = physical and mental balance/awareness/control.


You're clearly on the path to becoming a Jedi! :D

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