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New to the Whole 30 and my start date is April13th!!!!


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My name is Melissa but everyone call me Lissy....I Am 46, a mom of 2 grown sons and live in Pennsylvania.....I am disabled and have been in a 4 yr fight with the Social Security admin. trying to get my benefits (Can you say frustration?).


I have struggled with my weight since my second son was born (who is now 25).....I was able to lose weight but never keep it off......I tried many different plans.....Some worked and most didn't.....In the end I was never happy because I was always hungry.


Well last night I saw a post from my cousin's wife and she had said she was starting her whole 30 plan next month....Me being curious I looked it up and read through everything about this plan and well I am going to give it a try I am choosing my start date as April 13th.....Now the only part that is going to be a challange for me is giving up the carbs like chips bread and such.....I already kicked my sugar habit.....I had no choice in kicking that habit because I was given the I have type 2 diabetes diagnosis from my doc and he wanted to put me on meds and I know what those can do so I did my research and was able to reverse it with dietary changes but alas they didn't stick because the plan I was trying didn't allow me any meat at all (can you say NOOOOO WAY!!!!!)....I quickly went back to my old bad habits (except for sugar). I have a carb addiction (there I finally admit it) I love my fries and chips and breads.


After reading about this plan last night I really think I can do this....So again I chose my start date as APril 13th this will give me time to get prepared and commit to it.....I know I can break my carb addiction as I did wth my sugar addiction.....But, I also know it won't be easy.....I really want to be a healthier me and lose this weight....I know it can also help with my disability.





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Hi Lissy,




Okay - you know those other plans where you are hungry - well this isn't it.  You will be encouraged to eat - meals that will fill you up for 4 -5 hours at a time.  It sounds good doesn't it?


Also keep in mind that although we are lower carb than a standard american diet - whole 30 is not really a low carb plan per se.  You see some of us need more starchy veggies than others.  For me in order to keep my hormones in check I have discovered that I need a minimum of 2 starchy veggies a day. (And you can lose weight by doing this as well - do not be afraid of starchy veg)

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Thanks Carlancci.....I understand what you are saying.....I need to break my carb addiction to the bad carbs and find a new love for the good ones.....My biggest issue is the chips pretzels well anything salty carb ladden snack food.....giving them up is going to be a big challange for me.

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Lissy, you will find this far better than a diet.  I had similar issues about 10 months ago.  There are some refined carbs that affect the body just like candy bars.  The Whole 30 doesn't use the glycemic index but  pretzels are so high on the glycemic index. In addition to foods with added sugars,  white flour and processed grains like white bread, crackers, pretzels, and the like are of concern. Look for “enriched” flour on the ingredient list – enriched means the grains have been highly processed and are lacking fiber and nutrients. These foods convert very quickly into sugar when they enter our bloodstream.  They spike blood sugar levels, cause insulin to be released, and as a result, our appetite to spike.

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Ty MeadowLily.....Like I said in my posts breads and such are going to be the hardest for me to give up....But I am going to do it no more excuses for this girl.....I chose April 13th to start so I can really prepare myself to go full force with this plan....That and I don't get my foodstamps until the 9th and I hate starting something in the middle of a week LOL I always choose Monday's as a starting point.

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Lissy, everyone will be here to rally you on.  You can do this on a budget. Stick with the outside edges of the grocery store where all of the real foods are.  Stay away from all inner aisles.   If you can't afford Grassfed Beef, there are other options.   We can help you with that, too.





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Not sure if it is available in your area, but where I am, our local farmer's market participates in a program called Double Up Food Bucks. Anyone that receives government assistance for food can go to the market office, and for example, "pay" $20 for groceries. Then, the office gives them market tokens worth $40 of groceries that each market vendor will accept. There might be a similar program near you.


There's a lot of helpful information in the thread linked above, but if I were you I would look at roasting chickens on the weekend. You can even do it in a crockpot so you don't have to mess with the oven. I don't know if it is just you doing this, but if it was just me, I could make at least three meals out of a 4 lb chicken, and then have bones left over to use for broth.

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