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PWO meals and early morning workouts ,HELP

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I'm on day 3 and want to start working out next week. I read the meal planning but  I am confused about the Pre-workout /Post work out meals . If I workout in the morning my understanding is I need to have a pre-workout snack a post-workout snack and then my first meal is that correct? it just seems like so much food in the morning. i only have about 1 to 1 1/2 hours in the morning Can I have a pre- workout snack and then after my workout have breakfast? 


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Personally, I privilege the post-workout food over the pre-workout food, and I workout first thing in the morning, too. The point is to give your muscles lean protein in the small window after working out when they most need and can utilize it. I think of it as helping keep and build muscle mass which ultimately leads to fat loss. It doesn't have to be a lot of food. A few ounces of chicken breast or water-packed tuna, for example. Then shower, get dressed, and eat your proper template Meal 1 after that. I generally lift in the mornings without eating first and I don't have a problem with it.


Of course, whether or not you need the pre and post workout food at all has to do with what kind of workout you're doing. If you're lifting heavy to fatigue, yes. If you're going for a walk or doing an anaerobic yoga class, probably not. Don't be afraid to play around with it, experiment, and figure out what works best for you.

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