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4 days in...

Frankie Klimek

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Hey guys! My name is Frank. I began the W30 program this past Saturday and I feel great! Eating healthy isn't anything new to me, but apparently I've been eating the wrong "healthy" foods my entire life. I'm big into the organic thing, gardening for my veggies, grass fed everything, raw milk and those infamous wholesome grains... I had no idea that some of these were actually trying to kill me.


I've struggled with my weight forever, er, well, what I mean is that I didn't really care about it too much until 10 years ago when symptoms started showing up. Just the last ten years have been a struggle. I try hard to eat healthy, and I usually succeed, but now I know that the foods themselves have been [part of] the issue. Admittedly, my life has been pretty sedentary for the last eight years with an office job and multiple excuses for not exercising. (Yeah, yeah, yeah, I know. I'm working on it) Well, I'm leaving my office job in June (the stress isn't worth any amount of money) and I'm going back into aviation. I'm a commercial pilot and flight instructor by trade, but no one wants to fly with "the fat guy". (It's like when the kids pick their basketball team in elementary school and the fat kid always gets picked last. Ok, so in the adult world it's not really THAT obvious, but people have a tendency to be selective none-the-less.) Knowing this I decided to get to work on the extra 40 pounds that my office chair helped me pack on. But, for the last two months, despite exercising more often, I lost NOTHING. WTFO?


I'm four days in to the W30 now and I feel great! (I think I already said that, but whatever.) I'm four days in and I CHEATED this morning. No, I didn't eat anything, I stepped on the scale.... I couldn't resist. I had to go put my glasses on to make sure what I was seeing was true. I've shed 12 pounds in 4 days? Is this normal for a guy who weighed [COUGH-COUGH] 300 pounds? Holy cow, I'm amazed. And seriously, I've been so full for the last four days so this is blowing my mind. Energy is up, my headaches -which are something new- are getting better, and my belt cinched up a notch tighter this morning. So, cheat or not, my motivation is through the roof and the scale is now in the closet. For the next 26 days I'm relying heavily on the science-y stuff behind the W30 program and the way that I feel to tell me how I'm doing. My goal weight -though not absolute- is 250, and I have a feeling this is going to be a breeze.

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Welcome Frankie!


Good start to the program!  (moderator hat now firmly placed on head) As you know breaking up with the scale is one of the whole 30 rules.  Please stay off the scale for the remaining of your whole 30 (I think you will by the sounds of things)


Best of luck to you - and if you need any help or troubleshooting tips please do not be afraid to ask.

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Ok, so in the adult world it's not really THAT obvious, but people have a tendency to be selective none-the-less.) 


Frank, that's true only for men.  You'll soon see that IT IS obvious for women as many have struggled with dieting and peer pressures all of their given days.  Men get away with so much more, yes they do. Frank.  :D 

Women now find a Size 0 as an acceptable measure of their worth...It's NOT TRUE but society has told them it's true.  


Good job going forward getting ready for your new job, Frank.  :rolleyes: 

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