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Just Found out about Whole30


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How do I get started? I notice the book will be released in a few days.

Part of the problem that I have is that my eating is out of control because I'm so busy. I need someone to just get me organized with the shopping and perhaps batch cooking. It's just too much going on during the week for me to make wise food choices. 


Point me in the right direction please!  :-)

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Found here on the website:




http://whole30.com/pdf-downloads/--guides to pretty much everything, including shopping lists


http://whole30.com/downloads/whole30-meal-planning.pdf--Whole30 meal template (this is linked in the download section, but it's important enough for its own line)




Batch cooking guides from Clothes Make the Girl








There's lots of other information out there about ideas for feeding yourself when life is super busy, but the above should get you started.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Thanks so much! I just got the Whole30 book from Costco today. I have to decide when to start. This is exciting and scary to me at the same time! So many foods I am attached to will be off the list for me for 30 days. I have never eaten with this type of restriction before but I know it is so necessary for my health. I'm going to read and follow the links you provided to gain courage and inspiration! 

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 I have never eaten with this type of restriction before but I know it is so necessary for my health...

Two things:


If you've ever followed *any* type of 'diet' then you most probably *have* eaten with a HUGE amount of restriction. Focus on what you CAN eat during whole30 rather on what you can't & remember that this is not about starvation - this is about eating wholesome nutritious foods to satiety. You should not be hungry on whole30. Ever.

You only have one body - it's up to you to look after it. If you make only one choice today it should be to commit to whole30 to take steps to doing just that, and to becoming a healthier version of you.

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