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Started today. April 20th.


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I decided to do a whole 30 after working through tax season and living on junk food. I got to the point of feeling dizzy after 30-45 minutes of walking. I already feel fairly lethargic today. I'm sure its from no sugar. I know it will get better. Anyone have issues with feeling dizzy or shaky?

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Lethargy is pretty common. Dizziness and shakiness might be signs of not eating enough food. If you list what you've eaten, with approximate portion sizes, we can let you know if you're on the right track or if you need to make some changes.


Do be sure you're following the meal template for best results.

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You ate way less than you needed at breakfast and your lunch was probably less than our standards. Study the meal planning template and always eat above the minimum. http://whole30.com/downloads/whole30-meal-planning.pdf


Bacon does not really rise to the level of a serving of protein. It is tasty fat. Fruit should almost never be a part of your first meal of the day and especially not when you are not eating a hefty portion of protein. 


We measure protein in relationship to the size of the palm of your hand. You should eat a palm-size portion at every meal and you may want to eat two palm-size portions. 

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