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Start Date: April 26th


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Hello everyone!


I just wanted to take some time to introduce myself on these forums before I start my 2nd Whole30. I completed my 1st Whole30 recently in January and make the mistake of not trying it for longer to help with bad habits and skipping the entire reintroduction protocol. So it ended like every other time I tried to make a permanent change.


I'm here this time around because I'd really like to make a conscious effort to change my food habits along the way this time, like it's really meant to be done. I'm also here because I tried to restart after January and have been struggling to stick to it the 2nd time around. I was hoping to keep myself accountable here, really analyze what's going on with me and my thoughts throughout this one, and hopefully get some tips and encouragement along the way.


I'm not entirely overweight for my height or anything, but I am really tired of being sick and tired from the food that I eat, and I do not want to be controlled by my appetite anymore. I overeat the wrong foods constantly; it's been hard for me to let go of fast food and sugar, especially sugar. After the 1st Whole30, I really learned that the all or nothing approach worked wonders for me, so I'd like to stick to it again.


And I'm done ranting. :)

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I'm not entirely overweight for my height or anything, but I am really tired of being sick and tired from the food that I eat, and I do not want to be controlled by my appetite anymore. I overeat the wrong foods constantly; it's been hard for me to let go of fast food and sugar, especially sugar. After the 1st Whole30, I really learned that the all or nothing approach worked wonders for me, so I'd like to stick to it again.


Just wanted to say hello. I can really relate to your note, especially this part. I am starting my first Whole30 on Monday. You've peaked my curiousity about your first round in January and why you felt it didn't entirely work for you. I have so much optimism about this changing my feelings and habits around food and am hopeful I'll be motovated to stick with it beyond the 30 days. Or more likely a diet with minimal sugar and consistent healthy choices. I struggle with willpower and diligence and worry sometimes. I am super excited about this adventure though.


I wish you well on your journey!

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Just wanted to say hello. I can really relate to your note, especially this part. I am starting my first Whole30 on Monday. You've peaked my curiousity about your first round in January and why you felt it didn't entirely work for you. I have so much optimism about this changing my feelings and habits around food and am hopeful I'll be motovated to stick with it beyond the 30 days. Or more likely a diet with minimal sugar and consistent healthy choices. I struggle with willpower and diligence and worry sometimes. I am super excited about this adventure though.


I wish you well on your journey!


Keep the optimism. I remember how I would randomly be entirely excited and happy that I was finally doing something good for myself. It was one of the best things that carried me through the it. Believe me, the Whole30 can definitely help change your habits.


In January, the Whole30 worked wonders for me. What happened wasn't the Whole30's fault, but mine. Instead of really evaluating my food habits and coming up with different solutions to old habits, I just focused on following the rules. When the Whole30 ended, I knew that I hadn't made enough progress with my relationship with food. During the Whole30, I would munch on raisins and snack on fruit when I felt like I needed sugar or a treat, instead of snacking on something else, or changing the habit entirely. Instead of giving myself more time on the Whole30, I stopped and didn't follow the reintroduction protocol, letting my cravings come right back after I finally felt like I had control over them. 


That will be my focus for this second time around, which is why I believe it'll be harder than the first one. 


Good luck on your journey as well! :)

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 I'm starting my 2nd W30 today (27th) one day behind you all--I will follow this topic thread and one other I found that starts today, and hopefully we can all be supportive to one another, and help where needed- my first W30 turned into a W50 something days, and I needed it to break some of my old habits and thinking around food. I completely stopped snacking during this time, and it is the ONE thing that even after slipping back into other bad habits these last few weeks, that i have stuck to- no between meal snacks or cravings for me anymore. My problem begins at night, when i get home from work and don't want to cook- this is why being prepared is of utter importance for me!! :)

Ok, nice meeting everyone, hope to pop back in here often!

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  • 2 weeks later...

I will not lie, even on the Internet.


I made some off-plan choices last weekend, but I'm recommitting this moment to start over. I will see these cravings through, as they tend to eat at my emotional stability (no pun intended).


How is everyone else doing?

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