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if only it were just food


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I'm so incredibly frustrated. I am having THE worst psoriasis breakout; I genuinely look like a 29 year old who has chicken pox! I think the worst part is that, as much as eating clean helps, food is not my only trigger. Its allergies, stress, and millions of other things. I wish I had a magic button to make it disappear. It's sad too, because so many people have much worse problems, And I shouldn't be so down about it. I'm on day 18 and this time around I've seen no improvement....I feel like it's getting worse. The aip version of paleo/whole 30 doesn't do much for me either as eggs and nuts aren't a trigger for me and I don't eat nightshades. I smell amazing right now too, like a holistic store, as I'm slathered in teatree oil and jojoba oil looking for some miracle to clear up this beautiful breakout! I realize that it may take months for my skin to improve but like most humans I'm impatient :) I just needed to vent to the world....my husband is gorgeous and has perfect skin and can't understand.

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Skin issues normally get worse before they get better mine certainly did; I hope your does too! One thing though are you really sure eggs and other food banned on the AIP don't trigger your psoriasis? I really thought eggs didn't have any impact on my eczema but allergy testing showed them up as an allergen for me along with a couple of other foods since I cut them out completely again my skin has cleared up. I barely even itch any more which feels like a miracle. 

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My skin gets way worse for a few weeks before it suddenly starts improving too. Are you taking any caffeine? That, and certain over-the-counter medications seem to also be triggers for me, beyond food. I agree, stress is a big factor too. But, if has improved doing a Whole30 before, then keep the faith. It just may take longer this time around. My Whole30s have all been different, maybe yours are too!

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I'm honestly not sure what is triggering it this time but it's awful ! it may just be a situation where it's getting worse before it magically disappears but I definitely wish it would just leave :) I have never experienced a 100% full psoriasis remission, it always lingers. I know I just need to be patient but patience is not my strong suit. Thanks for all the encouragement!!

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