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May 1st Whole30


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This is my third attempt at completeing a Whole30. We mostly eat Paleo but I've gotten off track recently and it's time to get my head back in the game. This is my first time joining the forum and signing up for the Whole30 Daily email. I've got a good support system at home but am excited to officially join the Whole30 community. Let's do this! :D

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Welcome! I've done two successful ones, one of which was a Whole55, but recently keep screwing myself up in my attempts. I thought last week was going to be week 1 but I made intentionally bad choices because I'm human. Soooo, today is Day 1 again for me as well. (I like the clean-ness of May 1. :)


It's so frustrating that we as humans KNOW how good this is for us but our silly brains talk us out of it sometimes. I'm determined to finish it this time and it sounds like you are too. :) 


This is just one personal experience, but I realized I have to do this one without any fruit at all. It sets off my sugar dragon big time and is what led me to then make poor choices later that day. I had a few oranges at night one night last week because I had a sore throat and within an hour I was convincing myself that May 1 was a better start date ... ahem.  :rolleyes: I don't know how you do with fruit but it's just food for thought. :) 

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Hey Jess!


Thanks for the advice with the fruit! I don't have a huge sweet tooth, I have other demons like Angry Orchard and smoking (yuck!). Day 1 was a success, but it was definitely a struggle not wanting to join my husband in a cig. He's quitting soon, I hope! I know I need to do this for my overall health and so that I can be a better role model for my 4 kids. I'll be 30 in December, a new decade, a new life!

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Fell asleep last night at 9:40 and some up at 9:00. Wow I was exhausted. Even felt like I could've slept another hour. Headache is gone today and just finished my breakfast. 3 scrambled eggs with a side of Thai vegetables and ghee. Had to choke it down but I'm determined to eat breakfast according to the template.

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I've been struggling to get breakfast down! It's hard on the weekends, because we sleep later so I'm not hungry until lunchtime! Today was the first day I chowed down on breakfast, Pulled pork, onion, and kale fritatta with side of green beans, mushrooms, red pepper, and onion.

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Fell asleep last night at 9:40 and some up at 9:00. Wow I was exhausted. Even felt like I could've slept another hour. Headache is gone today and just finished my breakfast. 3 scrambled eggs with a side of Thai vegetables and ghee. Had to choke it down but I'm determined to eat breakfast according to the template.

Good for you, this does get easier, I promise!  :)

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Hi! I started on May 1st too, and I also signed up for the daily e-mail. It is something to look forward to and motivate me in the morning. I, too, had been on a mostly Paleo diet for several months now, but found rice and some gluten-free foods a real challenge to give up. So far on Whole 30, so good, but I am going to be going to an Asian restaurant tonight and expect a challenge to stay away from the sushi. I plan to order sashimi and forgo the soy sauce and am hoping there will be something else vegetable-based on the menu. If not, I have an emergency RX Bar in my purse and can eat something healthy when I get home. Good luck on making it through cheat-free this time! My father joined with me, but has already cheated a couple times. I hope to make it through clean! 

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I've been struggling to get breakfast down! It's hard on the weekends, because we sleep later so I'm not hungry until lunchtime! Today was the first day I chowed down on breakfast, Pulled pork, onion, and kale fritatta with side of green beans, mushrooms, red pepper, and onion.

Sounds like a delicious meal! And very filling. 

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I hear you about the fruit. One days 1 through day 3, I ate two scrambled egg-veg-meat cups to start the day and managed to go to lunch without snacking and stick to the plan without feeling deprived. On day 4, I was in a hurry after getting up later on the weekend and not wanting to be late to church, so I grabbed a banana and an RX Bar that had dates in it. I was starving again well before lunch and wanted an afternoon snack too, which was an apple. Even at night I felt hungry after dinner, which had not happened on any of the previous days.  I evaluated last night and wonder if it is the sweet breakfast that sent my hunger out of spiral. I will try to be more careful with fruit in the morning or for snack and see if that really does make a difference. I really enjoyed not feeling so hungry on the first few days, because intense hunger has always been an issue for me in trying to lose weight. 

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Hi! I started on May 1st too, and I also signed up for the daily e-mail. It is something to look forward to and motivate me in the morning. I, too, had been on a mostly Paleo diet for several months now, but found rice and some gluten-free foods a real challenge to give up. So far on Whole 30, so good, but I am going to be going to an Asian restaurant tonight and expect a challenge to stay away from the sushi. I plan to order sashimi and forgo the soy sauce and am hoping there will be something else vegetable-based on the menu. If not, I have an emergency RX Bar in my purse and can eat something healthy when I get home. Good luck on making it through cheat-free this time! My father joined with me, but has already cheated a couple times. I hope to make it through clean! 

I love the daily emails, they help me to stay focused and keep my head in the game! I hope you were successful when you went to the Asian restaurant. Mother's Day is going to a challenge for me, it will be my first "outing" since I started the whole30. We're going to dinner and then to a concert, I think sticking to the food will be easy, it will be the temptation of drinking at the concert that will be hard. I have confidence I can get through it though!

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