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Today is day 7


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Today is day 7.  Much as I try, I am never sure if I am eating only approved whole 30 foods.  I just received the Whole 30 book so that should help.  Today I started with two hard boiled eggs and an orange, but still feeling unsatisfied, I ate another orange.  Also, twice in the last 6 days, getting tired of drinking only water, I blended coconut water with frozen strawberries for a treat.  I love fruit, so there is always the challenge to eat vegetables over fruit.

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Two eggs and an orange is not gonna satisfy anyone, and neither is two eggs & two oranges.... A serving of eggs, when they are your only source of protein, should be the number you can hold in one hand, which is 3-4 for most people. I find though that if I mix my proteins (eg. eggs & fish) that I feel fuller for longer. The remainder of your plate should be filled with veg, along with a portion of fat (as per the recommended meal template) - something like half an avocado, or a good helping of olives... don't let fruit push vegetables off your plate, and certainly don't use fruit to satisfy a sweet craving as this will only keep the sugar dragon alive.

You probably wouldn't have needed that strawberry/coco water blend 'treat' if you were eating enough....

What has the composition of your other meals been like?

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I usually scramble up 4 eggs and dump every vege I can find in them!! Today was spinach, mushrooms, onions, peppers, and tomatoes. I had some leftover beef tips too from dinner and I usually have a handful of grapes too just because there in the fridge. Keeps me totally satisfied until lunch which is around 2! The mush, onion and peppers were extra I grilled up for dinner the night before with the beef tips.

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Today is day 7.  Much as I try, I am never sure if I am eating only approved whole 30 foods.  I just received the Whole 30 book so that should help.  Today I started with two hard boiled eggs and an orange, but still feeling unsatisfied, I ate another orange.  Also, twice in the last 6 days, getting tired of drinking only water, I blended coconut water with frozen strawberries for a treat.  I love fruit, so there is always the challenge to eat vegetables over fruit.


Read the Whole30 rules to determine what you can and cannot eat. The Can I Have list has more details, and if there's something you're wondering about, more than likely it's been addressed at some point in the forums -- google Whole30 and whatever you're looking for to find past discussions on it.


jmcbn linked to the meal template above, study it and try to make your meals match it as much as you can. 

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I just completed my first week and am feeling pretty good about my "7-day success."  I received the book on third day and felt that really helped to keep me on track and have used it as a constant reference.  I'm not big on cooking so Whole30 is a new adventure; I even made Whole30 mayonnaise (a real easy recipe) and my girlfriend who loves to cook was very impressed with my culinary greatness (not).  

Looking forward to week two and hoping I can get my husband on track.  


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