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I'm on my second whole30 and loving it. Been very successful with both scale and non scale victories. One of the biggest NSV is not snacking and not craving any of the foods that pre whole30 were my ruination. But, why is it that if I screw up ( and thank god I can count on my left hand the amount of times this has happened) and I skimp on a meal or I don't plan properly and I cause myself to get hungry all those cravings coming flooding back like a tsunami????

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I think it's important to name what's happening accurately. If you haven't eaten enough, you're hungry. That's different from a craving. The fix is to eat more. It may take a day or two of heavier-than-usual eating to deal with that sort of hunger. It's OK, it happens to everyone. Just eat up.

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As soon as you are too hungry or after a few days of too light of eating, your body will default to things that have worked in the past to get it some calories. Craving calorie dense (often nutrient light) foods because it needs fuel NOW.

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