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Starting May 25th


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I finally made the decision to make a lifestyle change. I think the Whole 30 is a great way to get started. But I want to ease my way into it. I hope to try out a few recipes over the next few weeks and slowly cut out out processed foods and officially start on May 25th. 


Any tips would be greatly appreciated. What are the best websites for recipes? Any tips on meal planning?




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If you don't do it this week, you'll be one week older when you do.  Today is a gift.  Jump on in, swim2.gif the water is fine. The best way to do this is Cold Turkey. Waiting for the perfect day or month doesn't really exist outside of today. There are those who've tried to edge their way down slowly and have completely fallen away before they give themselves a chance to get started.   They talk themselves out of it, become fearful or anxious.

The best way is Cold Turkey.  Today is the day. 


'Talking cold turkey' meant no nonsense talking and its partner expression 'going cold turkey' meant no nonsense doing. To 'go cold turkey' was to get straight to the scene of the action - in at the deep end.

"What the turkey had to do with plain speaking, we just don't know. There are a few suggestions but none come supported with any evidence and are no more likely to explain the source of the expression any better than ones you could imagine for yourself - better just to admit, we just don't know."



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For recipes, try theclothesmakethegirl.com, Nomnompaleo.com, and wholelifeeating.com.

For meal planning in particular have a look at the whole30 meal plans here: http://theclothesmakethegirl.com/2013/12/29/whole30-2014-week-1-meal-plan/ That's one week, there should be links to three more weeks at the bottom. Even if you don't follow those menus exactly, it should give you ideas about pre-cooking for the week. You don't have to do a week's worth at once, but many people find it helpful since it means less work during the rest of the week.

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I am thankful I quit all the soda's and sweet tea long before I started. The whole issue Blue Bell ice cream is having came at just the right time too !! It's gonna be hard to tell how your body changes if you do it gradually. I am on day 10 and can already see a decrease in swelling and inflamation. Don't get me wrong,cold turkey is difficult and I understand you wanting to ease in.


Good luck !!



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