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Starting May 10th...


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Hi! I am very excited and nervous, this will be quite the challenge, I have been planning and making lists all morning, checking out the forums, reading the Whole 30 book, getting a lot of questions answered...it is a little overwhelming but then any change can be like that!  I have only one thing that may be a little challenging (besides the obvious challenges ;)) I am not sure my family can afford to buy all organic, grass fed products...we have a limited budget but I am going to price things and see what I can do...anyway I just wanted to get started!  I will be following a lot the next month!


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You can do it on a shoestring budget.   It doesn't have to be all fancy schmancy.  You do the best you can within your means.  If you can't afford grassfed products, don't stress....buy the best regular beef that you can.  You can buy the cheaper steaks and have it ground into burger.  Delish.

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Hi! I am very excited and nervous, this will be quite the challenge, I have been planning and making lists all morning, checking out the forums, reading the Whole 30 book, getting a lot of questions answered...it is a little overwhelming but then any change can be like that!  I have only one thing that may be a little challenging (besides the obvious challenges ;)) I am not sure my family can afford to buy all organic, grass fed products...we have a limited budget but I am going to price things and see what I can do...anyway I just wanted to get started!  I will be following a lot the next month!


organic and grass fed is not a requirement.  Not at all!  


Grass fed in my neck of the woods is priced out of our reach and nearly impossible to find anyway.  Organic produce is a nice idea and I buy it if it is priced comparably but again, sometimes priced out of our reach and I don't fret.


Any time you are eating protein, veggies and good fats you are doing better than eating processed frankenfoods.  That still applies whether the protein, veg and fat are organic, grass fed or not.  


If you are buying conventional meats, the recommendation is to drain the fat because the toxins from whatever the animal was fed are stored in the fats.  Because you are going to drain the fat, be very aware of adding back an appropriate serving of fat to your meals.

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I have found I spend the same amount or less than what I was spending eating out and on junk food.

I can't afford the grass fed beef either so I tend to stay with chicken more, and always have a stock pile

of tuna and turkey patties. I've actually started to enjoy cooking and trying new things.



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Hey there, I was also planning to start May 10, but am opting for May 11 now. The 7 day plan in the book starts on Monday and my husband claims he had a Mother's Day meal planned for tomorrow...

One tip on produce and meat is CSAs if you have them where you are. We get great organic local veggies for the summer for about $100/ month. Then we buy meat a couple times/year at 5280.com, which is actually in the whole 30 book! I'm here in Colorado so we also have meat CSAs where we can buy shares of animals and we do this when we can. It is more expensive than conventional meat at the supermarket but it is cheaper than grass fed at the store, even though it is grass fed, local, humane, etc! If you really make the food a priority you can usually squeeze it in. Hubby and I have saved hundreds per month by planning meals for the week, using the same ingredient(s) for several meals throughout, making lunch a salad with last nights leftover protein, and doing one or two super cheap and easy meals per week, like grilled burgers plus grilled zucchini.

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I am also planning to start tomorrow, May 10th.  This will be my 5th attempt at an whole30.  The first whole30 being March 2014.  I successfully finished 2.  I've eaten along the guidelines of whole30 throughout with the occasional sweetened treat or chips...etc.  It's starting to be more often tho.  I started adding in foods that are gluten free but not grain free. I can feel myself excusing my eating habits and justifying my poor choices.     So it's time to pull up the bootstraps and get serious again before I really go off the deep end and recovery is harder.  lol     I've also noticed being more tired and lethargic, and I'm sure it has a lot to do with the treats and starting to eat the more conventional foods.   I don't like this feeling at all!!  


So looking forward to eating well again!   I am not able to afford organic meats or grass fed beef either.  My grocery store often marks down the grass fed beef or organic chicken.  I go regularly to check the meats and rack up when it's marked down.  That's been a life saver for me.  My budget is a lot tighter than it was when I first started.  So a lot of my veggies will be salads and  produce that's in season.  It will have less variety than I had starting out.  If I have to have sweet potato or potatoes at every meal to make my meal cheaper then so be it! 



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