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Anyone have recommendations for on-the-go snacks that don't require to be stored in fridge? I am a grad student on campus all day, and I need extra fuel usually around 3-4 pm. I used to have a daily larabar, but I think they are fueling my sugar addiction - too packed with dates. I tried apple & almond butter but it's a bit messy when you are on-the-go. Leftovers are great but they have to be stored in fridge which isn't an option for me. Any ideas would be greatly appreciated!!!!!!

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eat more lunch. really. You shouldn't need a snack around 3-4pm if you are eating enough at breakfast and lunch. Focus on more protein and fat, but don't forget lots of veggies at lunch time too.


Also, a tip: for me, I discovered that skipping fruit in the morning means no more afternoon hunger. Something about the sugar in fruit makes me hungrier later.

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