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I made a rookie mistake!

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I made it through day 1. I was very full after M1 and M2 and didn't feel like snacking but after M3 I am wanting more food. I had a salad (greens, peppers, grapes, organic apple cider vinegar, salt, pepper) and some minced pork left over from yesterdays lunch. I may need to increase my protein intake at night.

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I made it through day 1. I was very full after M1 and M2 and didn't feel like snacking but after M3 I am wanting more food. I had a salad (greens, peppers, grapes, organic apple cider vinegar, salt, pepper) and some minced pork left over from yesterdays lunch. I may need to increase my protein intake at night.


Salads need to be really, really big to be filling, or be really filled with denser vegetables than just the leafy greens. Maybe throw in some beets or some roasted sweet potatoes, or carrots, broccoli, cauliflower, snap peas -- bulk up the salad! Some people do have digestive issues with raw vegetables, so if you notice that, you might prefer to cook them, especially things like broccoli and cauliflower. You could still put them in the salad, or you could add vegetables on the side. And don't forget the fat! Maybe you just didn't list it here, but fat will really help keep you full.

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