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Upset Tummy


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I am on day 7 and my stomach is a little messed up.  I am not sure if this is a reaction to a recipe I made with coconut milk (chicken chowder) or just the process of elimation from sugars.  I am also very irritable and little sluggish.  Is this normal?  Should I take anything or let it work its way out naturally?

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I am on day 7 and my stomach is a little messed up.  I am not sure if this is a reaction to a recipe I made with coconut milk (chicken chowder) or just the process of elimation from sugars.  I am also very irritable and little sluggish.  Is this normal?  Should I take anything or let it work its way out naturally?

Can you give us a couple days worth of typical food consumption including portions?  Coconut can be gut disruptive for some folks.  Is coconut milk something you were used to using previously? Is there anything you are using a lot of now that you were not before (cruciferous veggies, nuts etc)?


Sugar elimination shouldn't cause digestive upset.

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Before diving into a Whole30 I ate a loose paleo diet- mainly meats, veggies, with occasional sweetener and dairy, never bad carbs.  Lately I have been making a lot of the recipes listed in the whole30 book to keep things fun.  Typically 2-3 eggs in the am with a veggie, 1-2 servings of protein with a veg for lunch and dinner- mixed with one fruit.  This is my first time using coconut milk so have a feeling it could be that.  Mainly bloated gut feeling.  

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OK, I can't determine what actual food you're eating so some general suggestions.  Some common gut aggressors can be brocoli, cauliflower, cabbage etc.  Onions and garlic bother some people.  Raw veggies are harder to digest also. Excess amounts of nuts can be digestively distressing also. 


You're also entering the Day 8-9 Pants Are Tighter phase that is described in the Timeline (linked below).  This could just be where you are and in a few days you may be feeling better without changing anything.

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