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Starting May 30, the first day of the rest of my life


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Hello everyone,


I've been reading about Whole 30 for weeks, and it is time to commit. I have struggled with weight my whole life and I need a new relationship with food. I would like to have another baby and have struggled with infertility. Time to take back the reigns and start anew. I am excited about the 30, and nervous about whether I can succeed afterward.


Here I go! I need all the support I can get!

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Hi Rachel!  I'm already nervous about the afterward, too, and I'm just starting (again)!  I am hoping to change my relationship with food as well, after more than 30 years of obsessing and worrying and judging...I'm so tired of it.  I'm happy to support you!  You CAN do it!!  Let's get healthy together!

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I just had the most lovely breakfast! Omelet (with olive oil spray) with fresh colorful peppers, lightly sautéed asparagus, onions and chopped tomatoes with s side of a quarter of avocado! Tea with lemon was fabulous substitute for my traditional coffee with milk. So far so good. And no snacking until my (planned) lunch. Let's do this, ladies!

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Just past midnight and I completed my first day. Woo-hoo!  Was surprised with an invite to a friend's for dinner and accepted only on the condition that I could bring my own. Had to sit through snacks of cheese/crackers, guaq and chips, nuts, etc. AND drinks, but made it through all that and dinner and dessert because I'd planned my meal!  Made a beautiful baked salmon (from the Whole 30 book) and chilled it and turned it into a fantastic salad.  So happy with day one. Looking forward to day 2!

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Well, it has been... interesting. I am in some ways enjoying it and in some ways frustrated. I had a HUGE planning and two and a half hours of shopping yesterday to plan a week of meals. I decided to use the sample week from the Whole30 book.By the time I had dinner last night after putting my toddler to bed, it was 9:30. But I had survived and was really proud of myslef. This morning I woke and walked 6 miles. I came back and my husband had brewed coffee and I proudly pulled out my Simple Truth unsweetened coconut milk to enjoy it. I was telling my husband (who is not really participating, but eating many things I cooked, how good it was. He started looking at the label and so did I and guess what?!?!?!? carrageenan is in it! I swore I read the label at the store!! I am so frustrated because now I have to start over. Yesterday I worked so hard! I clarified butter and made vinaigrette! I will count June 1 as my day 1 now, but I am so frustrated!

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Chicagomelinda I am so proud of you for sitting through the meal and having only your own food! Great job! Tomorrow I am going to a pizza party. I will pack some of my own snacks and eat more of my own food when I get home. I will not ruin my new day 1. Actually, even though I accidentally messed up this morning, I am still going to eat whole30 for the rest of the day.

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Hey, Rachel!  If you read my post above, you know that I had just a little bit of corn (unbeknownst to me) in a soup last night!  I could have decided to start over, but decided that the "infraction" was tiny (literally less than 18 kernels of corn). 


One of the things I'm personally learning to do is focus less on perfection.  Yes, I will be on the Whole 30 for 30 days, and no I will not cheat.  That said, I allowed myself to move into Day 2 even after those few kernels of corn last night.  We only have ourselves to answer to.  I'm there and feeling victorious!

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Hey, Rachel - We each have to play by our own rules, so to speak, I think. I just chalked it up to a beginner's error, forgave myself and moved on. What if that happened on day 28? Would you go back? Humm... From my perspective, it's live and LEARN! You've stayed on the program all day. I'd vote to forgive/move on, but we really do each have to decide for ourselves!

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Thanks, JMCBN --


Based on this article from 2009, I should go back to day one because I ate less than a teaspoon of corn. It took tremendous work and focus to get started on this plan and I do not intend to "go back to square one" for this "infraction." On the other hand, I intend to keep to plan 100%. If I ever have a slip, then I will of course "go back."  But I have spent a lot of time in my life trying to "recover" from this black/white, all in/all out thinking. No, I'm on day two and based on how I feel (terrible!), I know this program is working.

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OK, I have decided that I will start over with day one today, June 1. I will say that if I was far along in this program, I would not have started over for this "infraction" because I thought I was doing everything right and I did read the labels, but I am learning, so I am completely forgiving myself for this one slip. I am thinking of it more like a Whole 32 than Whole 30.


On a better note last night's dinner was delicious. Rosemary grilled chicken with red pepper sauce, roasted potatoes and coleslaw salad. I am loving the food.

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Hey, Rachel!  Glad you made a choice that you are happy with!


As I read your note, I realized we're both thinking along the same lines.  I've decided to stick with my start date (May 30), but that rather than start over because of the "infraction" on day one (1/2 teaspoon of corn), I will simply add another day at the back end.  That means 31 days of Whole 30!  That said, if I "slip" for any reason later in the program, I'll obviously go back to day one.  For the both of us, the issue occurred early in the program, which was great.


Today's a rough day work-wise for me.  We commute from a farm in Michigan on Monday mornings, so I'm up at 5 am Chicago time to be at work three hours later.  I made a really great breakfast before leaving Michigan -- 2-egg omelet with sauteed onions and green apples, and a cup of tea.  (I've decided to move from coffee to tea because it's just easier for me.)


Fortunately, we have a terrific healthy (free) salad bar where I work, so I can eat a very, very healthy lunch here.  On "fancy" days, I may bring a protein that I've prepared, but for now I'll do with the hard boiled egg whites at the salad bar.  Dinner tonight will be chicken as it was last night.  Loved it!  


Enjoy your day.  Congrats to both of us!

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Wow, Melinda, that's a long commute on Monday mornings. Your breakfast omelette sounds good. I had tea this morning, too. I might just stick with tea over coffee, too. It does keep things simple. Your salad bar at work sounds great!. Good idea about bringing your protein with you. I don't know how much I trust that marindades don't have sugar or soy.


Today I had leftover spaghetti squash with meat sauce and an egg for breakfast, leftover chicken and roast potatoes for lunch, and will have leftover chicken salad for dinner. My family is going to a pizza party, but I will eat later when I get home. I think I better plan out tomorrow as well tonight, in case I can prep anything.


So are you in Chicago all week and on the farm on weekends? How nice! What do you have on your farm?

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I just had the most lovely breakfast! Omelet (with olive oil spray) with fresh colorful peppers, lightly sautéed asparagus, onions and chopped tomatoes with s side of a quarter of avocado! Tea with lemon was fabulous substitute for my traditional coffee with milk. So far so good. And no snacking until my (planned) lunch. Let's do this, ladies!

Hi Melinda,


Check out that olive oil spray, it is very rare to find a canned spray that does not have off plan ingredients. Because we are not fat-phobic here on Whole30, you can just drizzle some oil right into your pan.  :)

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So maybe I dhould forgive and move on? Not sure what to do. It was definitely accidental and I will use the cans in the future. I want to do it right, but maybe I'm getting too bogged down?

Unfortunately even an accident with something like carrageenan which is an enormous gut disruptor does not change whether it may or may not break your reset or not.  Instead of starting over, maybe just tack on a day or two at the end of your Whole30 to ensure you get 30 completely clean days?

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Hey, Rachel --


Leftovers rock!  So apparently I've been "off plan" as well with my organic oil spray. Oh, well.  I guess a couple more days for me! :-)


Dinner tonight was stir fried (in oil!) chicken, broccoli, mushrooms and onions for entree, kale chips with sliced hard boiled egg on top and sweet potato.  I'm absolutely OD'ing on tea and water.  


Today was day three and although I've got some digestive issues going on I'm feeling emotionally strong.  Good stuff! :-)

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Hey Melinda!


I would not have guessed about the olive oil spray. It does not bother me terribly anymore to add on those couple of days. I think that it will only do me good. Your dinner sounds amazing! Glad you are feeling strong and I hear you about oding on tea and water. That's pretty much all I've been having. I made a pitcher of green tea with mint for my fridge, but during the day I've had water with lime in it.


I made it through the pizza party. I had some salad, no dressing, while they ate pizza, cupcakes, cookies and salad with all the trimmings. When I got home, I had leftover chicken salad and cabbage salad with lemon oil from the book. Very good. I also prepped the beef brisket crock pot recipe which is on right now home for dinner. For breakfast I had leftover tomato sauce with meat in a red bell pepper half and a boiled egg. Seems like a weird breakfast but was good.


I am trying to cut down on snacks, but I had some cashews and an apple yesterday. I had been snacking A LOT at work, so I'm trying to wean off that.


Yesterday I also had a headache all day. That's probably from the sugar dragon who is not happy. It's much better today.


Good luck today!

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Howdy, Rachel!


I know, right? Olive Oil Spray!  I LOVE Olive Oil Spray.  My solution: We have a mister, so I've just put my olive oil in that.  Then, I know it's just pure olive oil.


Congrats on the pizza party!  That's huge!!!  I honestly am so impressed.  That would have been very hard for me.  And I love "weird but good" breakfasts!  For me, the omelets with all sorts of goodness (tons of veggies or apple/onion for a taste of sweetness) are the best.  I've also tried to avoid too much in the way of carbs -- just one sweet potato a day, but I do admit I love 'em!


Snacks have always been a big thing for me, too.  I have been sticking to the "3 meals only" since Day One.  One piece of advice they give is that if you're truly hungry (as in hungry enough to have steamed fish and broccoli!) to add a fourth meal.  I don't know if it's considered an "infraction" -- jeez I hate that word! -- but they suggest avoiding fruit (sugar) for snacks.  My guess is that the same would hold true for nuts (salty/fat if they have salt).  Maybe some carrot sticks?  Not as emotionally pleasurable, but they would fill you up.  Or be like me and just put snacks out of your head for 30 days!  I've been surprised at the freedom it's given me!


So far, today's a good day.  Thanks for continuing to write.  It's great to have a 30Buddy!

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Snacks have always been a big thing for me, too.  I have been sticking to the "3 meals only" since Day One.  One piece of advice they give is that if you're truly hungry (as in hungry enough to have steamed fish and broccoli!) to add a fourth meal.  I don't know if it's considered an "infraction" -- jeez I hate that word! -- but they suggest avoiding fruit (sugar) for snacks.  My guess is that the same would hold true for nuts (salty/fat if they have salt).  Maybe some carrot sticks?  Not as emotionally pleasurable, but they would fill you up.  Or be like me and just put snacks out of your head for 30 days!  I've been surprised at the freedom it's given me!



Hey Melinda, you are totally right on all accounts.  Fruits and nuts alone as snacks are discouraged.  They spike your blood sugar, mess with your hunger hormones and can be hard to stop once you start (especially nuts, nut butters and dried fruits).


If you are finding yourself consistently hungry between meals, increase how much you are eating at each meal. You should eventually get to a place where you can go 4-5 hours in between meals without feeling hungry.  Once you get to that point you'll be able to clearly see if your drive to snack is based in hunger or habit/emotion.  The habit/emotion part is undoubtedly one of the hardest things about the Whole30 but provides some of the biggest wins in the end!  :)

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Hey Melinda... so glad to have a Whole30Buddy, too! It makes it so much nicer and easier. Thanks for the congrats! My next big challenge is a work party at an Italian buffet on Thursday. One price. All you can eat every type of Italian food. I already called the manager to talk about my special food requirements and what options I had. They do have some undressed veggie salads, and I think I will stick to that and eat lunch before I go. He said he would give me a discounted price, which was nice. He also said that he could have them grill veggies in the back or a chicken breast. Honestly, I am nervous about anything they cook. Not sure what kind of oils they use or sugar/soy in sauces ot marinades they sneak in. I think I will stick with the undressed salad and sneak in some dressing from home. I feel safer that way.


I am committed to go snack free today. I think I was full after lunch yesterday so I did not eat the apple but got hungry again before the next meal (like stomach growling hungry). I will eat my fruit with lunch today and resist the snacks. I knew it was discouraged, but I was trying not to be too hard on myself on my first day doing this at work. Work is probably the hardest place not to eat. One of the things I do not want to do is get overly stressed about it or down on myself for doing one thing that is, yes, discouraged, but not forbidden and will help the transition.


Good news is headache is gone today! How are you feeling physically, Melinda?

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