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Rubarb's Whole30 Food Log


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Day 28 - Very strange day. I wasn't too hungry today and wasn't interested in eating much.

Meal 1: 3 eggs scrambled with the last bit of chili over from the other night. Boy, that combo isn't very pretty, but it sure is delicious! Handful of raspberries on the side.

Meal 2?: a small Primal pack. I ordered a few to try them out. Unfortunately, I'm not a fan. A little too greasy for me, but today, I wasn't complaining. I snagged one on the way out the door to drop my girls off at a babysitting job.

Meal 3?: Can of tuna with the last of my delish homemade mayo with chopped red onion and a few capers. Yep, that's it.

Meal 4?: a banana and some almond butter

Sooo, I have no explanation. Perhaps it's that this evening, all my girls are out, I have no appointments, and the rest of the night is open. I'm happy to sit and breathe. I think I'm also feeling a bit sad that the 30 days is almost over. I've woken up each morning, looking forward to the day's email. I've loved the structure and how I physically feel when I wake. The last couple days have been spent considering my next personal "challenge." Finally, I think I am dreading getting on that darned scale again. Oh my, what if I haven't made progress? Gotta let that one go. I know I've made progress - I can see it in ways other than a number on a box.

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Day 29 and feelin' fine.

Meal 1: scrambled eggs with 1/2 avo

Snack: 2 Larabars

Meal 2: big salad with avo, the last leftover lamb burger, grapes and a lemon and olive oil dressing

Meal 3: came home to a lovely, romantic dinner that my hubby put together. Pecan-crusted lemon chicken, a salad of spring mix, apples, bell peppers and cauliflower; an appetizer of lamb chops that had been cooked overnight in the crock pot and a finale of fresh strawberries and blackberries

I'm now excited about my next 30 day challenge and I'm using a few lessons from this W30 to create something just for me. In October, I'm following all the W30 guidelines - and adding some HEAT! One thing that I saw during this challenge was how much stress I allow myself to be under on a daily basis. The only way that is going to change is if I am proactive about going after peace in my days. I'll be using H.E.A.T. to melt away the stress in my life. :)

Here's what HEAT stands for:

H - Happy Hour. Halfway through this journey, I put a daily alarm on my phone that pops up at 9pm. It says, "Happy hour? Your choice!" It allows me to make a decision at that moment to turn the phone off and start getting ready for bed. (Note that it is now 9:30 and I'm still on the web.) If I choose to unplug, I know I'll have a better chance of getting to bed at a decent hour, which for me is 10pm. My happy hour is from 9 - 10.

E - Exercise. I'm happy to say that I did exercise during this W30, and in Oct, I will continue to work out and get in my daily walk. It's for more than just physical activity. That walk relaxes me and makes me happier all day.

A - All Meals Planned. I don't know why I wouldn't do this last time, but I do know that when my meals were not planned in advance, it produced unnecessary stress in my days. I clearly have a pattern of looking at my day and thinking I have more time in my schedule than I really do. On the days that I had meals planned and prepped in advance, I was happy, happy. Even giddy. Stop chafing at the idea of setting aside the time to plan and just do it. Value the investment of time and see it as a way to love myself.

T - Time to myself. Every day, I will take time to sit quietly and just be. Even if its only 5 or 10 minutes, I'd like to sit outside, weather permitting, and be silent. Don't think about the things I need to do, my next counseling or tutoring appointment, what my family or friends need, nada. I want to begin this daily practice that I envision will become a habit of meditation. I'm starting small for now and simply asking myself to sit still.

I'll be starting on Oct 2nd to have one day off in between W30 challenges. The funny thing is that I don't want the day off to have something sugary or made with grains. I'm taking a break from logging in and keeping track. I love how I eat now. That isn't going anywhere. :)

Goodnight beautiful people!

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Day 30. Sa-WEEET!

I'm going to take the day tomorrow to record my thoughts about this challenge. After that, I'm back to logging day by day. But before I get ahead of myself, let me record what I had today.

Meal 1: 3 eggs scrambled with a little of the crockpot lamb, 1/2 avo

Meal 2: Tuna salad on steroids (it had green olives, red bell peppers, pecans, red onion, grapes and homemade curried mayo with a little salt and pepper) and a cherry larabar

Meal 3: the last of the crockpot lamb. Put it and some onion in a pan with a little ghee and some coconut flour. Not really sure what I was making but it tasted ok. Can't say I'll be making that combination again.

Fun news from today: I made my own ghee! Ordered unsalted butter from grassfed cows and got the courage up to make it with a friend today. It was fun to do and tastes delicious.


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Dejavu Day 1 :)

Meal 1: can of sardines sauteed with onion and tomato

Meal 2: 100% grassfed beef burger

Meal 3: pulled chicken breast with stir fry of broccolini, red bell pepper, onion, cabbage and freshly grated ginger. (cooked in homemade ghee with coconut aminos). Ended the meal with an asian pear.

A good day. I'm excited to be continuing on my journey.

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Hi Rubarb, You are doing so great. You are a real inspiration.

Hey Nancy! Thanks for the encouragement. Can't really say I'm flying through or anything. It's really day by day. And checking in here is a huge help. :)

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Day 2 - Fairly good day, at least on the plate.

In my head, however, I found myself giving up and then talking myself out of it. By the end of the day, I almost felt like I had eaten something unhealthy. I'm happy to say that it was only a few near-misses.

Meal 1: 3 eggs scrambled with salt, pepper, dry mustard and cumin (I love cumin! I'm finding that I get on spice kicks and add them to everything. I'm in a cumin phase right now.) and a large pear

Meal 2: sauteed onions and peppers with sardines (yay! I finally know something to do with a can of sardines. So yummy and an easy quick meal.)

Snack: 2 packages of Seasnax. I was happy to find these on my way home earlier this evening. They are roasted seaweed, but made with no corn or canola oil. Only olive oil. The ingredients label reads seaweed, olive and sea salt.

Meal 3: Zucchini pasta topped with ground beef in a homemade tomato sauce that had cabbage and onions in it. A side salad of spring mix, red onions and strawberries. And no need for dressing. Delish!

Right now, cow bones are bubbling away gently in my new 8 qt crock pot. I'm thrilled about making bone broth. It smells wonderful. I'm going to let it go for 3 days, which means it will be turned off on Friday. It will be fun to have a taste when it's done. So many benefits and I need 'em!

Quick note about my one day off of the challenge. Ugh. I ate paleo the entire day and planned to do so. BUT - I decided to make pancakes for myself since I'm not having them during a whole30. Wowsers, what a mistake! I used a recipe that called for almond flour. Had a couple with breakfast. Then at lunch I had a tuna salad that had some chopped pecans added to it. At dinner time, I was in a rush and decided to just have more pancakes. I was feeling in a bit of a funk as well, and I could see myself wanting to comfort myself, but with a paleo dish. Anyway, by the time I went to bed, I looked like I was about 5 months pregnant. ??What?? So uncomfortable. Couldn't figure out what it could be coming from. I almost want to cry about this, but I think it was all the nuts.

The next day, I was sharing my experience with a friend. She told me that her endocrinologist suggested not eating nuts because they tend to put weight around your middle and our bodies have a hard time digesting them. Oh my, this is huge for me. Nuts are how I get through the holidays. I make a dairy-free cheesecake for Thanksgiving and all sorts of goodies - with nuts. Sooooo, I'm going nut free during this W30 and we'll see if my body is happier. It seems to be saying that I need to cut nuts out. :(

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Hey Rubarb! Don't despair about the nuts! I cut them out in September because I'd been overdoing them (I'd eat a pound of almonds or pistachios and call it a paleo dinner, so dumb), and because I heard the same thing that they might be the reason for my digestive issues and also skin problems. You might find that you feel amazing without them and don't really miss them, or you'll get a better idea of how much you can eat without feeling bloated/sick. Having bfast and dinner made with almond flour might be too much, whereas a handful of nuts or a slice of your Thanksgiving cheesecake might not be a problem. You'll have a better sense of that in a few weeks.

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Day 3 - a good day. Funny thing is I find I'm starting to be satisfied with less. I like that! Maybe it will lead to me being able to wear one of my old favorite dresses again. Tried it on yesterday and, well, there's a bit of work to be done. I have decided however, that my dress will be my new scale. I'll try it on again at the end of this month, end of Nov, etc. I'd rather see progress there than on a box.

Today's menu:

Meal 1: scrambled eggs with a little leftover beef and tomato sauce from last night's evening meal. Put 2 olives on the side and an orange and I was good.

Snack: Grassfed Gourmet's beef jerky

Meal 2: More of the leftover beef and tomato sauce stuff (has cabbage in it, yum)

Meal 3: Salmon and sweet potato cake with an arugula and strawberry salad on the side. Coconut milk blended with cilantro, lime juice, garlic and seasonings served as a dressing. Really good. We ended dinner with a taste of a couple fruits that are new to us - sugar plums and cactus pear. I had 2 of the plums. They taste pretty much like regular plums. Only took a tiny bite of the cactus pear. The taste is a mix between a beet and a pear. Probably not going on the grocery list next week, but it was fun to try them out.

Also made some tea with camomile flowers and mint leaves. Divine.



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