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Chubby daddy


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Hi everyone,


I am going to be starting the Whole30 soon. (after I finish reading "It Starts With Food")


I have recently completed another similar program, The 10 Day Detox, which I completed successfully, and actually, I have stayed 'clean' ever since.


But the Whole30 program is so much more comprehensive, and it seems to be more lifelong.


I have been a bouncing dieter. I went up to 270 about 5 years ago. (I'm a 6'2" tall male)


Through willpower and Herbalife, I got back down below 200.


Then I ended up at 280, and went back down again, through willpower and what I had learned from Herbalife.


The third time, which ended 2 months ago, I hit rock bottom at 315!!!!


That's when I did the 10 Day detox.


In 3 weeks I've lost 45 pounds, eating the detox fare.


So I'm currently at 270-280, somewhere in there.


But this isn't only about me.


My main motive here is in regards to my daughters (and wife)


I have always been the one who, throughout their growing-up years, has influenced what we ate as a family. Even after my previous 2 weight losses,


I have just been so misguided, confused, cynical, etc. about all this BigFood/nutrition/weight loss misinformation.


And my darling daughters paid the price for our poor eating habits. I accept the blame. It wasn't my wife.


My wife and I made good meals for them and all, but they were definately not Paleo, and we frequented many fast food places, kept a supply of snacks in the house.


We encouraged my youngest to learn how to make 'pastries' which she became very good at. Cookies, cakes, pies, macarons etc etc etc.


But anyway, they are all lovely girls, just beautiful. But they are all overweight, and self conscious, and at wits end about how to 'fix'it.


The 10 Day Detox methods and means will not work for them. I know it.


So I am reading this book and learning all about this Whole30, and I want to be able to influence them to join me in it by:


a: showing that it works for me (without any suffering, and while eating amazing meals)


b. having them read the book, and let Melissa and Dallas fill in all the details.


My eldest, who is already married, is already on board.




Kent from Minnesota



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Welcome Kent!  I'm so sorry that you have been mired in the marketing scheme of things like Herbalife and detoxes, unfortunately that whacks out your metabolism, your hormones and your body's ability to have a healthy response to food.


You'll find that Whole30 is very, very different.  Be advised that coming from a place of heavy restriction followed by what sounds like unhealthy patterns, you may experience a period of gaining during your Whole30.  Please don't panic.  When you give your body adequate portions of healthy, whole foods and sufficient nutrients, it may hold onto every bit of that until it can trust that there is no "famine" period coming.


Check out the meal template (linked below) and make sure that when you are preparing your meals that you are hitting at least the minimum noted and that you use YOUR hand and thumb sizes to determine portions.


We're happy to have you here and we're here to help however we can!

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Hey there Kent

You're going to love W30 and so is your family

You may /may not experience many problems associated or headaches in the Timeline etc because you've been through that detox idk

This is life changing you'll notice your whole family will enjoy it there's plenty of support here on the forum and lots of factual help from the Moderators and there's one above !

Suggestion staying compliant is the key to lifelong success I would print the shopping grocery lists they've helped me I'm used to cooking so I started simple and tweeked my own recipies

I've downloaded in iBooks the Whole 30 dining, meal planning, travel, aip shopping and grocery list

Please refer to them often There are so many links to recipies if you are up to trying new ones

I clarify my own tasty butter and make mayo it's easy Try to have 3 proteins extra veggies and limit fruit I know it's compliant but I don't have larabars etc Just 3 meals extra fats so I'm never hungry no snacks for me

My husband is keeping up too although my family has no weight to lose

Best of luck don't overthink this

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But this isn't only about me.


My main motive here is in regards to my daughters (and wife)


I have just been so misguided, confused, cynical, etc. about all this BigFood/nutrition/weight loss misinformation.


And my darling daughters paid the price for our poor eating habits. I accept the blame. It wasn't my wife.






But anyway, they are all lovely girls, just beautiful. But they are all overweight, and self conscious, and at wits end about how to 'fix'it.


The 10 Day Detox methods and means will not work for them. I know it.


So I am reading this book and learning all about this Whole30, and I want to be able to influence them to join me in it by:


a: showing that it works for me (without any suffering, and while eating amazing meals)


b. having them read the book, and let Melissa and Dallas fill in all the details.


My eldest, who is already married, is already on board.




Kent from Minnesota

Hi Kent;


I rarely, if ever, am moved by people's stories online. But I can feel the pain from behaviors in the past that have affected your whole family's future. The best best BEST thing is that you see this and you're doing something life changing to help change all your lives in the most amazing and positive ways!

You and your family are precisely who this program is for and I am really looking forward to hearing your story in 30 days and 6 months and a year because I can already tell that you're going to be so wildly successful that you'll become a true beacon of hope and courage for people in your same position!

So excited for you!

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