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What constitutes a "reaction"?


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I have really been trying to figure out if I have a reaction to eggs or not. I cut them out for one month, added in and then wasn't really sure if some stomach troubles I had three days later were related to that. So I decided to cut them out ANOTHER month and then add them back in. I have been eating them for a week now. I haven't had severe reactions but noticed my digestion has been different and I have more gas (TMI sorry). Does this mean I am intolerant of eggs??? I am really sad becaue we have backyard chickens! I have been working with a naturopath to heal my gut- my main symtom is anxiety. So if I eat eggs one day and have anxiety three days later I don't really know if it's the eggs or just something I'm worried about that day. Ugh! How do you figure out if a food is actually giving you a reaction? Especially with something as innocuous as anxiety. I've done this with all the foods I cut out (gluten, dairy, tomatoes, chocolate, eggs) and the only one I DEFINITELY noticed a reaction to was gluten and dairy. Thoughts???????

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Eggs are an odd one.  For me they give me joint inflammation - but no known signs of tummy, digestive troubles.


If you are noticing a similar correlation every time you have eggs - example 3 days later you have anxiety issues - then maybe regulate the eggs to a once and while thing rather than an everyday thing.  


Also keep in mind than many people who have issues with eggs mainly have issues with the egg whites.... not the yolk.  So maybe start experimenting when you re-intro with just the yolk.  I have found that I am OK with the yolks, but again I shouldn't be having them everyday. 


Are you consuming large amounts of coconut products?  

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If coconut milk is something that is relatively new for you in terms of consuming I'm going to make a recommendation to cut out the coconut milk for a bit.


Why? Coconut oil seems to not be a problem for many accept for those who are super sensitive.


However if you have issues with gas and bloating and messed up digestion coconut could be messing with you.  I notice for myself as well that coconut milk and coconut butter gives me gas and bloating.  I did low FODMAP for 6 weeks too - and that helped quite a bit as well but I was still having some issues.  It took me to be out of coconut milk for a while to figure it might be the coconut milk.  


So maybe cut it out for about 10 days and then re intro it to see what happens. It might not be the eggs at all.

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