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Starting July 20th, would love tips, advice, and encouragment


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Hey everyone!


I've decided to start my first whole30 July 20th, and I'm both nervous and excited.  I'm excited to see what it does for me, and mostly to just prove to myself that I can do it.  I've just felt a little out of control food-wise lately, and I HAVE to deal with it now...thankfully, I don't have any significant health concerns. Yet.  


I'm a teacher in Singapore, so I face a few different challenges in trying to translate some of the recipes or information to the lifestyle and context of Singapore...but that's why I'm starting before the school year begins, so I have the extra time to try and figure it out.  The national past time here is eating out...and as we welcome new staff at the end of the month, they'll be a lot of challenges as we take them around the city and eat out a lot. I'm also a little nervous because I'm really the only one doing it, and while my friends are ok with it...it's not as though they're going to go out of their way to help me out when it gets tough.  


But, I can do this.  Tough love time, it's only food, right?  

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My advice to you is keep it simple:

- review the program rules
- ideally eat three meals a day, starting within 1 hour of waking, with protein, veggies and fat at every meal, per recommended the meal template. Look to build meals that satiate you for 4-5 hours. Until you get there, if you're genuinely hungry between meals, have a mini meal of protein, veg and fat.
- the shopping list and Can I Have Guide can be helpful supplemental resources.

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Thanks, I've been reading the book and referring to the Whole30 book religiously just in prep time...Day 1 has begun and I'm surprised by the cravings...I see birthday cake on my Facebook feed, and I think 'Man, that would be great right now!"...I keep reminding myself that I really want this.  I don't want to fail, and I don't want to continue the way I've been living.

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I wrote this a few places to connect with others starting around the same time. I don't really crave sweets but I love wine and so I'll miss that but it's too small of a thing to not overcome. You can do it!


I started on Saturday July 18 and so far so good. My biggest challenge is the wine and I'll overcome it.

Went to markets over the weekend and have some delicious, nutritious, organic foods at the ready.

I'm not the type to keep a food log but I will do the program with you. So let's stay in touch.

I live in Southern New Jersey, USA

Happy Whole30!

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I am starting this a.m., Monday, July 20 and I am a teacher also.  I thought this would be a good time, before I go back with students.  I am going to struggle most with wine with meals and friends, also!  My house is the go-to house for my friends to come and grab a glass of wine and a chat.....it's going to be tough on them!  Nervous and excited is a good way to describe my feelings this morning.  My husband will support me, but I know there will be moments where if I don't plan ahead, I'll have temptations.  Two of those times in the upcoming 30 days is my 40th wedding anniversary and a girls weekend in August.  Hopefully, I can celebrate the anniversary feeling so good it doesn't matter if there is wine and for the girls weekend, I can be a healthy example to them.  Well,  off we go!

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Today is my start day also.  I have done the prep work (book, food, etc.) but still feeling a bit overwhelmed this morning as I am drinking coffee with coconut milk.  My one cup of coffee with almond milk creamer every morning is apparently a huge deal for me.  I didn't think it would be such an issue, but I am struggling a bit.

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Thanks everyone!  I've just begun day 3, made a frittata for breakfast and paired it with an avocado & blueberries...beef brisket is in the crockpot for dinner :) I'm planning on heading into my classroom to work for a bit today, but I'm also nervous to take this stuff on the road, so to speak...so far, I haven't done much the last two days....I even had a friend over for dinner, instead of trying to tackle going out this early in the program (and I'll be honest...I'm nervous to attempt it at all where I live.  Communication is tricky at times and I don't always know that I'm getting the straight answer to any question I ask, it's a language barrier). 


I started out using the week one menu in the Whole 30 book, but I mentally freaked out a bit on Day one.  I hate Mayo, I always have...not sure why, but I think mainly texture...things that are too creamy or tangy freak me out (I also don't eat yogurt, sour cream, etc.)  Weird, I know.  But, I'm trying to be open.  So I made it, and tasted it (not bad)...and used it to make ranch dressing for my protein salad.  So far, so good.  But I was dreading lunch, I just knew I wouldn't be able to choke it down...but it was actually pretty good (I have to put a lot of crunchy things and make it a bit drier than most).  Breakfast was ok, lunch was ok, and dinner was ok-ish...I ate a bowl of the tomato sauce with zucchini noodles, but it just wasn't very appetizing to me....so I roasted a potato with onions and ghee and had that.  And that's when I had my light bulb moment....this isn't a diet.  I don't have to follow this menu.  At first, I felt a bit guilty for having the potato, like I was already cheating.  And then I remembered that the point was that I change my eating habits and follow the guidelines, it doesn't matter whether I eat the tomato sauce or not.  I spent most of Monday "dreading" my meals or trying to convince myself that it was good and that I really liked it enough to keep eating more and more...and that was exhausting.  Roasting the potatoes helped me realize that I need to take more ownership of this and build meals I like, try so new things, but also have back up plans because the point isn't that I learn to love mayo, the point is that I need to incorporate more healthy fats in my meals.


Other than that, I'm having a minor case of the carb flu, I guess.  A headache, mainly...so I've actually taken so advil (I'm hoping that's ok, or am I supposed to just tough it out through these detox side effects?) and last night I dreamed (I rarely recall any dreaming).  About Smarties of all things.  Yep, that little roll of candy...I was mindlessly eating a pack when I realized what I'd done and that I had destroyed by Whole30 with one mindless little handful...and I felt so sad and frustrated that I had undone all my hard work so easily...it was a relief to wake up and realize that I didn't have to start over, that I hadn't actually screwed it up!  


Hope you all are faring better on your journeys and that wine cravings are diminishing and coffee with coconut milk is actually becoming tasty!  I'd love to hear about your experiences so far ;)

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I love your revelations that you're not on a diet and you don't have to eat what someone else tells you to! The book is a great resource and the meal plan is great for some people but it sounds like you're tough enough to make your own decisions about what you want to eat and try for new things! So awesome!

A note about Advil... Nsaids are notoriously hard on the tummy so if you can, switch to Tylenol. If you can't, then please make sure you're drinking a lot of water (you should be striving for 1/2oz per pound of body weight anyway) and don't take it on an empty stomach. But no, you're not meant to suffer... This is about improving your life, not making it suck ;)

Whole30 on sister! I"m excited to hear what other revelations and lessons crop up in the next month for you!!!

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I love your revelations that you're not on a diet and you don't have to eat what someone else tells you to! The book is a great resource and the meal plan is great for some people but it sounds like you're tough enough to make your own decisions about what you want to eat and try for new things! So awesome!

A note about Advil... Nsaids are notoriously hard on the tummy so if you can, switch to Tylenol. If you can't, then please make sure you're drinking a lot of water (you should be striving for 1/2oz per pound of body weight anyway) and don't take it on an empty stomach. But no, you're not meant to suffer... This is about improving your life, not making it suck ;)

Whole30 on sister! I"m excited to hear what other revelations and lessons crop up in the next month for you!!!

  Thanks!  I'll try to pick up some panadol (it's the closest thing to tylenol we have).  For everyone interested, I've just started a log, so feel free to follow my journey there (it's in my signature) and share your experiences.  Let's do this together!!

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