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I am starting my first Whole30 today. I am 34 years old and it seems as though my entire life has been dictated by mental illness, physical ailments, and allergic reactions to... well, to almost everything. I have always assumed that I would be one of those people who would have been eliminated by natural selection, were it not for modern medicine and amenities. So, cheers to progress, since I'm still here :)


My sincere hope for Whole30 is to see changes to my mental and physical well-being that allow me to live and enjoy life, rather than to simply endure it. I'm not expecting miraculous results in 30 days, though I would gladly accept them. I'm just hoping to experience some gradual improvements in 30, 60, 90 days or more. 


Props to everyone who has embarked on this journey to reclaim their lives and develop a new, healthy relationship with food. I hope that I am able to offer support to those who need it, and that I can find support for myself when I need it. I am notorious for my weird food cravings and hunger-induced rages...  so I'm quite certain there will be some hard times ahead!



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Good luck, Heidi!  You can do this, and you'll be so glad you did!  I've heard such wonderful things from friends who have done a Whole30.   I'm only on Day 5 myself.  I also hope to alleviate a variety of mental and physical ailments, including depression and ADD.  I'll be cheering for you from afar, Heidi!  Life should be so much more than something to be endured!

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