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Starting September 10!


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Happy Saturday all!!! Karabel - I have been asking myself a lot of the same questions about food. Like a few others, I would really enjoy a glass of red wine! However, I have already decided to give it at least 2 more weeks and eliminate eggs and night shades to see if I see any improvement in the joint pain. I go to the doctor tomorrow so I am interested to see what she has to say. I plan to bring a bunch of literature about this program and discuss with her. I really hope I can stay as close to eating very clean as possible, but I will enjoy a piece of bakery cake now and then and an occasional glass of red wine for sure. Gibster, I don't really miss cheese or butter so that will probably not come back. I definitely don't miss grains so those will likely only make their way back in occasionally.

On another note, last night - for the first time in my life - I slept almost 7 straight hours! No getting up to use the bathroom or turning over to look at the clock. I didn't even move from the position I was in when I laid down! It was a very stressful week at work and I was exhausted, treated myself to a late massage and then a soak in the tub with some hot tea so I am sure all that contributed, but I also think my clean eating must have had something to do with it too!

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Hi all! I'm with you on how/when/if to reintroduce things. I have a full physical in 3 weeks and would like to see how my bloodwork compares to last year. I am thinking I'll keep going as is, possibly having some alcohol on my birthday (in 2 weeks) and trying some paleo "treats". I'm amazed that I don't miss cheese...but I don't! I figure I'll definitely stick to one type of off plan food when I make the decision to eat off plan, so that I can evaluate my reaction over the next day or two.

There are still plenty of recipes I want to try out and I'm hoping I see more improvement in my energy and stubborn stomach flab by continuing on. I do plan to post a short summary of the 30 days once done, hope you all do to and look forward to reading them.


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Good morning, all! Had a good sleep last night - for a change:


LJG - I don't really crave cheese, but I'd like to see if it bothers me. I plan to limit my consumption of it to no more than 4 oz a day - if that. I don't intend to reintroduce grains at all - except as an occasional item. And, of course, my red wine will be re-introduced sparingly, also.

susan - I'm with you - there are a ton of recipes I want to try - especially Nom Nom Paleo's recipes. I'll be cooking something up today for my weekday meals - haven't decided what yet.

Do any of you subscribe to the W30 Daily? One of the issues this week was about what to do next. They suggested doing a Whole 30 with another habit you'd like to cultivate. I've decided that I want to double my reading time to 1 hour per day. I have so many books I want to read and it seems to take me forever to finish one. I normally get in a half-hour during lunch, but then don't pick up the book again in the evening.

I bought some Pure Wraps last week - kinda pricey, but a really welcome change from a salad everyday for lunch. (These are made from coconut, and are really good.)

Time for me to get dressed and get going with my laundry and cooking. Take care and have a great day!

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Hello Friends! I had a very interesting Sunday. Yesterday was the hardest day for me yet and it was very unexpected. Has anyone else read the book ISWF? I did, but the "emotional connection" with food concept didn't really resonate with me until yesterday. I think the fall and changing weather, overall, had a bit to do with it. I took my boys to a pumpkin patch and the apple cider was very tempting. We then went to my Mom's house (taking the jug of cider) so I stopped at the store and bought some spiced tea to drink instead that I hoped would offset my craving. Once I got to my mom's house, I had temptation at every turn. My siblings and I call the house "the house of evil food" because my mom always has goodies around. Candy dishes with yummy treats in every room, cookie jar always full, fresh brownies or cake always cooling on the counter. I held strong, but boy was it hard. My hand almost had a mind of its own and wanted to reach out and just grab handfuls of the goodies. Last night, I thought about the emotional connection my mom's house has for me and the comfort food within. My house was always void of most of these treats but I always considered going to my mom's a special occasion and allowed myself to partake of all of the goodies. I would almost always head straight to the kitchen to see what treats she had for me. It was really tough! But now that I know, I will be better prepared next time and be able to mentally prepare myself for the temptation. I also craved red wine like crazy yesterday. I think this could have also been weather-induced. It was overcast and chilly (around 50) and by the time I got home, I wanted to curl up on the couch with a glass of wine. I couldn't wait to go to bed to put the day behind me. I woke up today feeling more in control, but learned a lot through the experience yesterday. I need to find other ways to counteract the temptation at my mom's, particularly with the holidays coming up :)

On a side note, just curious if everyone has decided for sure what to do on Wednesday. I am definitely continuing on. I have my doctor appointment in about an hour and among other things, I am going to see about changing my meds to those without Soy and peanut oil. I am also going to eliminate eggs and the Nightshades. I haven't set a strict time yet, but I think I need to give it at least 2 weeks before I make any more decisions, but may go another 30 days. I realize with some people you need 45 or 60 days and some even longer before you see full results. I also realize it may never cure my pain in my hips, but to me it is still worth a shot.

Hope you all are having a great Monday!

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LJG, sorry about all of that temptation! I probably would have had a little of the cider if it didn't have anything else in it. Watch out for those teas! Some of my old favorites have "natural flavorings", soy, hops, modified corn starch, citric acid (from corn?) and stevia. That's just from a handful of boxes in my cupboard!

Today is my last day. I have decided for sure that I am going to eat some things that I've been wanting and my son has asked for. I make a great homemade pizza so we'll have that for sure. I would love a slice of apple pie (there's that seasonal emotional connection you wrote about, LJG). All of my food will be home made and organic except for a sub sandwich that I've been craving and lunch on Friday while I'm traveling with a friend out of town. I am going off whole30 for a few days and then right back on, probably next Monday. I'm looking forward to weighing in tomorrow morning.

Has anyone had any problems or revelations with/about foods they've eaten? I have had a few. They are:

Regular raspberries hurt my stomach and cause me some strange digestive problems I won't write about but organic are fine, and taste much better too.

Pork makes me sluggish.

More than 2 servings of fruit per day gives me more energy and a better state of mind.

I hate the way nuts stick in my teeth and I'm not sure I really like them as much as I thought.

I used to love juicing but fresh juice smells like vomit to me now. I know that's gross, sorry, but it's true.

I like soup a lot more than I thought I did.

Drinking alcohol can become not just an addiction but a habit that's difficult to break.

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Feeling a bit deflated now...

I went to my doctor today as a follow up to my medical issues back in the spring. I wanted to check on the meds, talk about the hip pain, and get her input on the W30 program. I was a little disappointed that she wasn't more interested in the W30 program and felt like she considered it negative without hearing too much about it. I brought information and mentioned that I had it, but she didn't seem to want it. She also didn't think I should eliminate eggs and nightshades b/c she thought I wouldn't be getting the right nutrients. When I talked about the soy in my medicine and that I was supposed to eliminate soy on this program, she didn't comment. I think by that point I felt defeated on the merits of this program and didn't come right out and ask her if there were alternative meds. She did say that if I was going to see change from my diet on any inflamation in my body, I would have to do the program for at least 3 months. So I am feeling a bit conflicted after my doctor visit. I had some blood drawn to check my Vitamin D levels and then she ordered an x-ray to check what is going on with my hips. So now I just have to find a location that works with my insurance, oh joy...

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LJG - Please don't feel defeated on the merits of this program. Most doctors are woefully undereducated when it comes to nutrition. And most are still married to the calories in/calories out dogma. If she wasn't even interested in the program, then how could she know that it would take 3 months? I don't know how attached you are to this doctor, and she may be fantastic in all other ways - but one thing I'll tell you is that you need to be your own advocate. I "fired" a doctor a couple of years ago for not listening to me. You know your own body better than anyone else, including the doctor.

But kudoes to you for sticking to plan at your mom's! Food is such an emotional thing at times. I can still conjure up the smells of my grandmother's kitchen, and the taste of her chicken noodle soup (with homemade noodles...). I'd walk in and she'd sit me down at the table and place a steaming bowl of it in front of me and say "Eat!" - practically before I had my coat off. A lovely memory for me.

karabel - good luck on your last day!

I'm planning to stay with the plan on Wednesday. After all, I just cooked up a bunch of food for the whole week.

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LJG - I think Linda's right about your doctor. Most doctors don't get educated at all on nutrition, and are very much educated and incentivized to prescribe medications for situations that might be treatable in other more holistic and/or integrative ways. Perhaps if possible consider a 2nd opinion of a reputable integrative MD? I think her comment on avoiding eggs and nightshade elimination because you "wouldn't be getting the nutrients you need" is BS - what nutrients exactly are only available from eggs and nightshades?

I could go on...anywho, I am thinking I'll continue on for a couple of weeks in case you are needing a buddy! Hope you find relief for your hips soon. BTW, I also had some temptations this weekend. I think every new situation where food is part of the experience will involve some adjustment. When I quit smoking 8 years ago, I had an almost Pavlovian thought to reach for a cigarette every time a left a movie theater or an airplane for a while beyond my actually wanting to smoke. Karabel, congrats on completing a whole 30!

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Here it is - Day 30! I've been enjoying the W30 Daily's I've been getting, but today's was extremely helpful to me. It's helping me to evaluate what I want to do. Tomorrow's Daily will outline the re-introduction schedule for the next 10 days. I still can't believe I did it!! Yay, me! And Yay you! I'm glad you all were here with me.

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We did it!!!! Who'd of thunk? 30 days flew by for the most part. Congrats to Gibster and Karabel - hopefully you will keep us posted on how the post-W30 is going for you. Susan, that is very kind to offer a to be a buddy for the next few weeks. I researched different "Meal 1" options last night that don't include eggs and am hoping to do some cooking soon to prepare (but probably won't have much opportunity until the weekend). I will just struggle a bit the rest of this week, but I also struggled a lot with figuring out what to eat the very first week 30 days ago, so I know I can do it. I found a few that looked pretty good so I am anxious to try them. I also learned that sweet potatoes are not nightshades so that will make things much easier!

Greg are you out there?? Too much of a girl fest again? Did you make it through and what is your plan for tomorrow?

Congrats again to all!!!!

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Yay us!!!! May I humbly say,... WE ROCK! Congrats to all, I raise my glass of kombucha with sparkling water to toast you! LJG, I don't eat eggs (unless they are in Cake! :) ) and my favorite b'fst is ground turkey and apple sauteed in ghee, with cinnamon and nutmeg. Veggies on the side. I made home made sausage patties yesterday, that is another good way to get your morning protein.

Have a great day.

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Done! I lost 7.5 pounds which is where I was after week 2 of whole30. So I didn't lose any weight on the second half. Boy did I have a tough time waking up this morning and I feel a little foggy and slow. I know I didn't eat enough yesterday (or Sunday), I was trying to push for that last bit of weight loss. Most of the weight came off of my back and I lost 2 inches off my bust, 1" off my waist and 1" off my hips.

Now I have to try hard not to re-gain what I lost before I begin again. At least I don't plan on eating any food I don't process myself (except chocolate and organic white flour for pizza crust).

I didn't eat a lot of eggs on my whole30 either, LJG, and did just fine. I like dinner for breakfast.

Well, you all rock and I hope everyone will be back on the board soon! This was fun. I'll be back before the weekend.

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Yeah us!!! We made it! I lost 15 lbs but the first 8 was the gain I had from vacation! So that was coming off the minute I started eating well again anyway. I'm continuing for today and tomorrow. May go out for pizza on Thursday night or have my hubby bring it home with him on Friday (It's a two hour drive).

I might have a beer this weekend with the football game but will probably try not to. Plan on continuing the food thing. Will have a glass of wine with dinner or with the hubby on the weekends. I really enjoy eating this way. The other thing may be finishing off the bacon we have in the freezer....it's from pastured pigs but it is cured in sugar. So not W30 compliant. Too damn expensive to just give away/toss so we will finish it up and only buy uncured from now on (not difficult as the farm we buy it from is having difficulties due to FDA regulations).

I'm really happy with my program. I can't really say that I solved any healthy issues or anything but losing the weight and sleeping better is awesome. Plus I know I lost inches because most of my clothes fit better (today's shorts being the exception).

Great job everyone!!!

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