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Dawn Dean

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I just signed up about 30 minutes again and to tell you the truth I am nervous about this. I have never eaten correct. Every time I start a diet I am okay for a few days and then go back to eating the way I did before.

My sister told me about this program and explained how this is not a diet but a way to cleanse out your body. My goal after the 30 days is to really understand how to eat correctly and keep it up.

I am really pushing myself to do this and stay with it for me and be able to have more energy for my three kids who are 14, 10 and 6.

I would welcome and advice or good things to eat. FYI I am a very picky eater :)

Dawn :)

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Welcome. I just started day two, and also have had problems sticking to diets. I also have 2 kids (9 years old) that I also want to instill good values for food/health too. What I did to prepare, was to get the shopping list, and read about meal planning and the recommended portions. I went shopping last weekend, got some thngs to get started. I am sticking to things I know, and gradually expanding my foods. What makes it more challenging is that I don't eat eggs, so breakfasts are even harder. I also work out 3-4 times a week, so I knew I need energy. I am using good lean proteins and adding in yams and other veggies, along with the standard salad smorgusborg I eat. The nuts and fats have helped a lot. Salad dressing was easy...just olive oil and balasamic with ground black pepper. My hardest has been the lack of things to drink. I need to get some club soda and just add lime/lemons.

Keep us posted how it goes. I have found some good encouragement here.

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Biggest recommendation is to check out NomNom Paleo's website - she's recorded each and every meal she has eaten during the whole 30. She has so many recipes up that your'e bound to find something you like.

Also check out Melissa Joulwan's website - theclothesmakethegirl. She has some seriously awesome tasty recipes.

This way eating will get pretty boring pretty fast if you eat the same foods everyday and feel like you're restricted to that. Now is the time to experiment.

The first few days are the hardest, but once you go through them it will get easier. I have struggled with food, & weight issues for my entire life. This is the first time where an eating plan really made sense. I really doubt our ancestors really went around measuring and weighing everything.

So welcome! You've come to a very good place for support. I've been here for 22 days now, and these people on these boards have been a great support!

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I understand! My husband and I will begin this journey on September 16th. We are very nervous, mainly myself. I have a very unhealthy relationship with food. A lot of emotional eating in my life time.. A LOT! We've been preparing by reading the book, various blogs and this forum. I have a ton of recipes book marked and a shopping list ready for Saturday! We have spent the past couple weeks preparing ourselves, mentally and physically. Introducing more exercise, eating less desirable foods.. etc etc. I know all the processed foods are bad but I could not in good consciousness throw it all away in the beginning, but whatever is left on Saturday will be donated to the local soup kitchen. My reason for not throwing everything away immediately is because we have a monthly food budget and had just finished our shopping prior to discovery of the Whole30. I had to adjust our budget with something we could work with in order to allow more fresh fruits and veggies on a weekly basis. I usually buy meat and veggies/fruit(frozen) in bulk for the month. This will be new to us and I look forward to the challenge and the change! Good luck to you, look forward to seeing posts on how you are doing throughout the 30 days whenever you start!

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Another suggestion... find a few logs in the forum (bottom under "Community" click on "Your Whole30 Logs". Find a couple of people that have been at this a while (15 days or so) and read through their log. Sometimes finding another person or two that have recently faced the challenges you are going to face, makes it a little bit easier. Many post meals, workouts, feelings and observations that you may find helpful.

I have two children (7 and 9) and we have (for 20 days now) found a way to make this work for both me (on the program) and the family (partially on the program). Nervous is good. We don't get nervous about things we don't care about. Your health is important!

Good luck with your challenge!



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