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trouble with eating evening meal

Mark R

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Hi, I have just completed the 30 days and into the reintroduction stage and wondered if anyone has advice about what foods are best to eat in the evenings. Basically I find that when I eat an evening meal I find it very hard to sleep and wake up feeling sluggish. I know that most nutritional wisdom suggests eating early to allow time for digestion before sleeping.  However, for me its a bit extreme. For example if I go to bed at 10.30pm or 11.30pm then I need to eat my 3rd meal at about 6pm latest and even then the same problem persists. The only way I know to make sure I get decent sleep is to just not have an evening meal, which I would often do prior to doing Whole30.  Then I would go to bed feeling hungry but at least I would sleep well.  Its been like that for as long as I can recall and it hasn't changed since doing the programme. Are there any particular foods that would be helpful to eat in the evening?  Ones that digest fast perhaps? 


Thank you.

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Funnily enough another member posted earlier with a very similar problem & this was Tom Denham's reply:

Saying that you feel troubled by a heavy, full belly makes me think you should try taking a digestive enzyme for a while. It won't hurt and it might help. Read a bit about digestive enzymes at...


What you should know about digestive enzymes
​In addition you might want to give us a run down of a typical day's food, indicating portion sizes so as we can get an idea of what you've been eating that may be causing you problems.
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