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Starting September 9!


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My husband and I are starting today, too! We meant to start yesterday but had some Labor day ribs to get rid of. We made some of Nom Nom's Kalua Pork with broccoli last night so that's my lunch today, along with half of a sweet potato and an apple. Then on to bunless burgers tonight. I've never done Whole30 but we did successfully eat Paleo for about 6 months a couple ago. The health benefits were amazing. I know it's not about the weight loss, but I'd be lying if I say I wasn't looking forward to that, too. :)


Good luck!

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I'm also starting today! I've been mostly Paleo for a couple of years but I'd been slipping recently so I'm using Whole30 to get back on track (and, yes, losing a few pounds wouldn't hurt either...). Breakfast today was two slices of Maverick bacon (uncured, no added nitrate/nitrite or sugar), two eggs cooked in the grease with an avocado and two slices of tomato. Lunch will probably be ground beef patty with a side of steamed broccoli. Chicken breast for dinner with boiled cabbage and asparagus cooked in ghee. It's not too different from how I normally eat, but no butter and no cheating for 30 days is going to be a new challenge.   

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Yay, good luck to the both of you!


I made spaghetti squash for the first time tonight with some ground turkey, kale, and apples and some crushed tomatoes to top it all off. Today was a good start-- although, I did almost chew some gum today (chewed twice-- but overlooking) because I forgot that its not permitted. I think the biggest thing for me will be to remember what foods are off limits and remembering why I'm doing this. I haven't eaten well for that past month, so I'm really not sure what to expect in this journey.


Good luck again! :)

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Hello. I started today too. I look forward to hearing about everyone's feedback. We just got back last night and only picked up a few groceries. I thought I had eggs for breakfast but didn't. Breakfast included cubed sweet potato, chicken leftover and celery sautéed in olive oil with 1/2 an avocado, cup of blueberries. Lunch was white fish with spaghetti squash sautéed with olive oil and avocado (trying for an avocado pesto). Supper will be chicken, zucchini, green beens. I know it will take me a few days to get more comfortable with the recipes and make more creative meals as today was just about getting started. I wanted to use OLIV lemon white balsamic vinegar on my lunch but was not sure if it was allowed so just went without (couldn't find anything in the book). Very hungry today with a slight headache. I probably just did not eat enough earlier today. Only 29 more days to go!!! Stay strong :)

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Well, I didn't stop by DQ on the way home so that's a plus!   ;) I didn't bring enough food to tide me over for my day at work so I'm absolutely starving right now. I suppose I'll eat a bit of almond butter and carrot sticks to tide me over until dinner is ready. Thank goodness we made a menu and shopped for it. I'm exhausted when I get home in the evenings. 


Have a great evening, everyone!

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This is Day #1 for me too. I really, really want to do this. It's not a drastic change to the way I eat now except for cutting out all sugar, which I definitely have a problem with, and not eating a couple of hours before bed. I do beautifully most the time during the day, when night comes, it's a different story. I really want to gain control and follow through with what I know to true about healthy eating. Also very curious to see if it helps what seems to be arthritis in my hands.  Looking forward to sharing this journey. 

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Kerley, I have a hard time not chewing, too. I teach small groups in an elementary school and it's embarrassing when littles ones tell you your breath smells bad. My husband and I went paleo a few years ago and I remember getting bad breath in the beginning of it. I just tried to drink a lot of water. Good luck! We're on day 3!

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Hey there - good luck and health to you all! I just finished my 2nd whole30 and feel great. Just happened to be cruising the forum and have some advice for the gum chewers. I haven't imbibed since my first whole30 in January of this year. I made the mistake of a full chew on my first day so counted the next as day 1. Never went back to it after looking into the nasty stuff in most gum. I also work closely with people, talking a lot, and love black coffee so breath is an issue. My substitute now is pure peppermint essential oil. I put one drop on my finger and rub it on my tongue. It works like a charm and has the added benefit of making me more alert without more coffee! Word of warning - a tiny drop is all you need with high quality oil. I used a few drops the first time I got this bright idea and almost blew the top of my head off . It can be ordered through Do Terra or Young Living but should be readily available at health food stores. I know Natural Pantry has an essential oil section. We don't have Whole Foods here but I imagine they do too. Just make sure it's pure essential oil, obviously, not mixed or diluted with noncompliant stuff. Have a great 30 days and beyond, it's sooo worth it!!

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Hi! New to the forum but this is my second Whole30. Started on September 9th as well. I haven't had any headaches

but I've been tired and haven't slept well. Took a nap this afternoon though! This time I'm not stressing myself out on

Friday nights by making a new fancy recipe. My husbands grilling chicken thighs I marinated in olive oil, balsamic

vinegar and TJ's everyday seasoning. I put some kombucha in a wine glass and it feels like happy hour!!

Best to everyone


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So, how did your first Whole30 go? Day #3 and I'm doing good. I have been getting hungry and it's a challenge not to snack. It also seems like the amount of food, and types of food that is compliant, will make it difficult to lose weight. I have faith though. I am also having a hard time not getting on the scale. I'm almost positive there wouldn't be any significant change on day #3. Maybe it's just the fact that it's forbidden. 


Best of luck!

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Yay! We made it through day 3! I'm loving that my husband is so on board with this. Last night was the first night I had a sweet craving after dinner. But, I ignored it... didn't go for fruit or a date or anything. Last night my husband sautéed some veggies (patty pan squash, zucchini, onion, and shallot in olive oil and grilled a steak for us to share. It was perfect. Funny that we made a menu last weekend but the weather was so hot by the end of the week that hot soup just didn't sound good. :) We have a lot of great stuff in the fridge and freezer so I can't wait to see what we come up with this weekend. I'm really craving mexican so a taco salad might be necessary.


AnchorageAli, thank you for your advice on an alternative to chewing gum. I've switched from my treat of sweet coffee in the mornings (I drank decaf for the taste, not the caffeine) to peppermint tea. I just keep pouring hot water over the tea bags throughout the day. I'm hoping that will keep the kiddos from saying anything about my breath. It's working so far. ;)


Have a great Saturday!

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