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Days 3/4 Feeling Awful in the am


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Yesterday and today (days 3 & 4), I wake up feeling great, get ready for work and eat breakfast. (Eggs with mushrooms, spinach and onions and an apple both days.) I drive 1/2 hour to work. By the time I get in, I feel awful. Nauseous, dizzy, difficult to concentrate, upset stomach, hint of headache.


Just a normal part of the detox/transition? Or something I should do something about? Yesterday it went away in about 90 minutes. I'm writing today in the middle of it.

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This morning, how many eggs are you eating?  How much vegetables are you having? What are you using for cooking fat and how much of it? What are you drinking with your breakfast and how much of it are you having ?

What did you eat and drink the day before? How many hours of sleep did you get last night?

With the answers to these questions, we can better help you with specific feedback.

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I used 10 eggs to make 12 mini frittatas in muffin pans. I ate two of those. So just less than 2 eggs approximately? The only oil used was coconut oil to grease the muffin tins and olive oil to saute the veggies before putting them in. The frittatas are pretty full of the veggies. Between the 12 mini frittatas I used 8 oz. of mushrooms, about 6 green onions and maybe 1 - 1 1/2 cups of spinach.


Water to drink, probably about 12 oz.


About 7 hours of sleep.

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If eggs are your only protein, a serving size is as many whole eggs as you can hold in your hand -- likely 3-4. If you don't want that many eggs, you can add some other protein with your eggs instead. So probably at least one more of your mini frittata.


Ideally, you'll have 1-3 cups of vegetables (after cooking) at each meal -- aim for three at most meals.


Don't count your cooking oil in your fat requirement, add at least one thumb-sized portion of fat in addition to that, or the equivalents listed on the meal template.


Aim to drink 1/2 oz of water per pound of body weight each day (so if you weigh 120 lbs, aim for at least 60 oz of water a day).


Most people feel best if they have at least one fist-sized portion of starchy vegetable each day as well, and people who are active, who are prone to depression or anxiety, or women who are nursing, pregnant, or in the week leading up to their period often need more.

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