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Looking for time saving tips/recipes


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Day 6 and all is going mostly well. I'm pretty shocked that I have minimal cravings and don't seem to mind too much the food I am unable to eat.


What made me almost throw in the towel today was all the time that it seems to be taking to make meals essentially from scratch and make prep meals for breakfast and lunch. I work pretty long days and it seems like other than working all I am doing is cooking and cleaning the kitchen.


Looking for any suggestions/tips/recipes on how to manage on busy days. Also, I am in an extremely rural area - stores like Whole Foods or Trader Joes are 4+ hours away.

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Take a look at this website http://theclothesmakethegirl.com/2013/12/29/whole30-2014-week-1-meal-plan/. She has W30 approved meals. The link I give is for her batch cooking for a week. Not specific menus of eat salmon on Tuesday and Beef on Saturday, but how to prepare foods in advance to make interesting meals all week. It's been a lifesaver. Her recipes are also great. I have both her cookbooks - "Well Fed" and "Well Fed2". You don't need a bunch of strange ingredients and the recipes aren't complicated. Everything I've tried so far has been delicious.

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I agree about getting the Well Fed books. Check out NomNomPaleo.com, too. Both authors share tips on how to be efficient in prepping and cooking.


Some people (like me) like to have a big cook-up day and prepare meal components for the week, and then do mix-n-match at meal time. Other people like to have some items prepped, then cook meals from scratch. Either way can be a time saver.


Having an organized kitchen really helps, too. Be sure you have at least one really big cutting board and sharp knives for paring, chopping, slicing, etc.


Storage containers and a method for labeling them are essential, too, IMO. I have several of different size containers that are stack-able. I use a sharpie pen and masking tape for labeling. My refrigerator and freezer are packed, but I can find what I need easily.


You can do this without Whole Foods or Trader Joe's. Just about any large supermarket will have suitable items for basic meals; you may have to resort to mail order for specialty items. Since you're in a rural area, are there local farmers that sell retail produce and/or protein? These would likely be of higher quality than what you find at the grocer's.


Good luck. It really is worth the effort...

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