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Messed up reintro....


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I finished my Whole30 on 9/8.  My parents came in 2 days later, and unfortunately, I wasn't as disciplined with my reintro as I should have been.


I probably have only 5-6 days since then that I have eaten things off plan.  However, things have gone down hill a bit since Friday.  I have been having some stomach pains off and on since Sunday after eating, worse in the morning (not sure exactly what I ate on Friday or Saturday to trigger it.)  Tuesday night I had a field day and had a bunch of offenders all together.  My stomach was really bad yesterday.  Slightly better this morning, but still got stomach pains after eating.


Given that I haven't been that off plan since I finished, can I go back to Whole30 for a couple of days, a week, etc. and be more disciplined with my reintro to figure out what the problem is?  Or would I need to wait until I could complete another Whole30?


Hope that makes sense.  Thanks!!



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It depends how far off the rails you went and for how long (and your personal sensitivities).

What I can tell you is yes, get back to the Whole30 for at least a week, or until you feel better. Two weeks is better, but it's up to you. Reintros won't be as illuminating as they would after 30 days, but will still tell you a lot.

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Just in addition to what ultrarunnergirl has said above, and for reference sake, I've been eating this way for a fairly long time, and when I 'off-road' I do so only with dairy, sugar and alcohol - no legumes, no grains of any kind, no sulphites, & no carrageenan - and I have found that even with just adding in those three food groups I need pretty much a day for each day I've been 'off road' before I feel 'normal' enough to say I feel like I have a clean slate again.

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Just in addition to what ultrarunnergirl has said above, and for reference sake, I've been eating this way for a fairly long time, and when I 'off-road' I do so only with dairy, sugar and alcohol - no legumes, no grains of any kind, no sulphites, & no carrageenan - and I have found that even with just adding in those three food groups I need pretty much a day for each day I've been 'off road' before I feel 'normal' enough to say I feel like I have a clean slate again.


This is how I'm *hoping* to off-road, when I get done with this second round and a PROPER reintroduction. Of course, it will all depend on how MY body handles the dairy, etc. It's good to have some insight, though, thanks for sharing.   

Don't feel too bad, amg871. I got myself into a similar pickle. I'm just doing another full Whole30, because what the hell. This is how how I'm supposed to eat "all the time", right? (Well, granted, the W30 is a little stricter then most people's every day normal, but still. Since I'm new to this way of eating, I figured a little more practice with the basics wouldn't hurt me any.) I couldn't think of any real reason not to do another full round. Do what works best for YOU, though, and listen to your body.

Good luck with whatever you decide!   

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Thanks so much for all of your replies.  I really appreciate it!  I am going to try to go back on plan for at least a week.  We have two trips scheduled in October, which will make it a little tricky.  But I will do my best for at least the next week.  I definitely plan on trying another round when we get back and then a proper reintro.


I ate better yesterday, and my stomach is a ton better today.  So hopefully I will eventually figure out the culprit.

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