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having a hard time :/


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hey folks -

so i completed my whole30 for the month of august (yay!) and loved it. i mean, L-O-V-E-D it. i followed the reintroduction protocol and got some insights into how much of which foods i can handle, and which ones make me feel awful.

well, here we are, 14 days later, and i feel re-addicted to all of the crap i had eaten before. i KNOW it's not good for me, i KNOW how good i felt on the whole30, but i feel a little helpless. i am going on vacation in 10 days and really wanted to do a whole14 before leaving. now it feels like a waste.

just to say it: i did an EXCELLENT job of not overdoing fruit, nuts and snacks during my whole30. i was shocked because i have a strong sugar demon, but not one day did i overdo fruit to fulfill those cravings. i actually didn't even really want fruit much at all. so i don't think that's an issue.

any advice? i am so deflated. :/


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One day at a time Jen. We finished our Whole 30 last week.....think we are on day 37 or so. Continue to think of your health, and how good you felt by eating properly. Back up and rethink what got you through the Whole 30. If you look out two weeks at a time, it can get hard again. One day, and then another. No question, this takes A LOT OF WILLPOWER....Look at some great Paleo cookbooks and get creative.

I LOVE DEVIL DOGS!!! Have not had any for 37 or so days. Will I ever have one again?? Sure will....but when I am ready and I can trust myself to have control.

The other thing I did was when I had a craving, I drank a bottle of water, and I was satisfied once again. Lastly, when I thought this was hell, I reminded myself that cancer is worse, paralysis is worse, strokes are worse, etc. Stay healthy my friend.......

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Girl...do your whole 10 and enjoy your vacation! I just try to stick to W30 as much as possible, with 99% of my meals being at least paleo. Just do the best you can and don't beat yourself up about it! Like I have posted before...eating these kinds of foods will punish your body enough so don't let your brain punish you also!!

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Hi, Jen, Okay, this is going to sound goofy, but (as a fellow serious sugar addict), when I look at or think about food that I have no business eating, I've had some success with having a stock message ready that I give myself. My favorite lately is "That has nothing to do with you". Another useful one is "That doesn't belong to you". If I have the phrase ready, then I don't have to think about how to talk myself out of something. After a while, it gets automatic, and I find the argument goes on in the background more than it used to, rather than being a conscious struggle. That's always a good place to get to. With both food and exercise, it's much easier if I don't have to have the argument in the first place. Hope that makes sense, and hang in there.

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