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Changes in BMs are fairly normal, but if you're going A LOT more than normal, or the consistency is A LOT different then maybe you need to speak with a pharmacist.

It could be something you've eaten so if you'd like to post a few days worth of your food/liquid intake along with activity/stress/sleep levels we can maybe help you trouble-shoot. In the meantime be sure to stay hydrated.

If you're overly concerned please speak to a medical professional

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I've been eating pretty much the same foods

Breakfast: Scrambled Eggs and Fruit

Lunch: Fish & Green Beans & Fruit

Dinner: Romaine Salad with Shrimp Tomatoes Cucumbers,Spinach, and Chopped Eggs with Balsamic Vingerette.

Snack: Lara Bar

Lots of water actually ONLY WATER...

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I'd lay off on the fruit & larabars for starters - larabars are for emergencies only and a snack is not an emergency, it's a signal that your meals aren't big enough. Are they keeping you full for 4-5hrs?

Add vegetables to your meal one - aim for 1-3 cups with 3 being optimum - and maybe an additional fat.

Again, your meal two is lacking in fat, and I'm assuming is too small in general due to your need to snack - try some starchy veg in there somewhere too, and mix it up a bit by adding mayo or a sauce of some sort.

Meal three looks better, but given that you've bowel issues you might want to lay off the raw veg until it clears up.

Try sticking to cooked veg & more bland meals for now & keep up with the water....

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I started taking a probiotic supplement every day and it has had a good influence on my bowel movements. I spent years eating fermented sauerkraut and kombucha every day hoping that would give me enough probiotics, but taking a supplement every day has really "improved" things. My current favorites are Primal Flora from Mark's Daily Apple (available on Amazon.com) and Prescript-Assist. 

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@jcmbn I thought mayo wasn't allowed? I was eating potatoes but alot in the beginning and they were keeping me full but assumed I was eating too much starch but definately start eating it again. @Tom Denham Gonna look into it! Thanks Guys!!!

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