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Oct. 1st. Start: Newbie to New Me!


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I'm really ready to throw in the towel. I won't, but I want to...grr...when are the days going to be easier?? I sick of the highs and the lows, tired of being crabby. I will keep plugging along but I sure hope I start feeling better soon....I'm wondering if tomatoes are making me not feel well? Gwd...it's always something. Goodnight, day whatever it is. Blech.


I know you said right at the start of your log that you didn't want any more input from Mods, but those highs and lows you're experiencing might well be fixed by tweaking the composition of your meals.... It really is about more than eating compliant food for 30 days.

If you'd like to post a few days worth of your food/liquid intake, indicating portion size, along with sleep/stress/activity levels we could take a look and see if we can't get you enjoying the Whole experience a bit more.


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I never said I didn't want any input from the mods, I just didn't want the focus to be on my first two day's date consumption!


That being said, I believe I have a UTI, so this isn't so much a food issue... I do believe I was experiencing some sort of mild hangover from the Kombucha drink I had, which according to another thread on this site is legal. I think because I drank it close to bed time it affected me in that way. I didn't have one last night, and slept very well, and woke up refreshed.


For me this is a 30 day process...so I know there will be highs and lows over the course of the 30 days...like I said, I"m a marathoner at heart. For me, each phase of the race brings on different challenges and emotions...that's what's happening for me right now.... I never have quit a race, but that doesn't mean I haven't thought about it, or wanted to. 


This is my first time doing this, and I know I will need to continue on after the 30 days, as I have a lot of internal healing that needs fixing...after all the cancer surgeries and all the antibiotics and all the post surgical infections, and all the other medications I'v had to take, my body's had a lot to tackle...a few rough days early in the process isn't a surprise.


One thing that I've noticed that's a really big deal, and i'm still wondering if this is actually happening but it does appear that my eye sight is improving. I'm typing at my computer without the use of reading glasses, and while my vision isn't perfect right now, I'm seeing much much better than I did before this started.

So, there's one for the win column.

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Day10. Woke up wanting to quit. Now not so bad and my energy level seems to be improving, so that's a good sign. I notice my skin looks better, another plus.

Other than that, I'm not feeling too happy about things. I miss my breakfast bars, and and I miss my gin and tonic at night, or glass of wine. I don't miss the headaches though, and I certainly don't miss the poor self esteem or lack of control. My itchy rash on my hand is going away, which is another plus.

Day 11 for me today & I must say day 10 was a Bi%$*! for me also.  No cravings just cranky & emotional & dull headache all day.  Day 11 is awesome so far!  Enjoying the journey but also looking forward to a cocktail here & there when the 30 days is done!  Keep it up!

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Day 11 for me today & I must say day 10 was a Bi%$*! for me also.  No cravings just cranky & emotional & dull headache all day.  Day 11 is awesome so far!  Enjoying the journey but also looking forward to a cocktail here & there when the 30 days is done!  Keep it up!

I am so glad to know there's others out there beside who feel like cr*p on some days! Seriously, it is really helpful.

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I'm over the half way hump, and that feels good. These next 15 days, I want to add in more fitness. I haven't worked out at all, so I want to see what that feels like. I think the Kombucha drinks are messing with my intestines. I used to drink so much soda that I wouldn't have noticed the bloat but now something's happening with those guys and it sure ain't good.

I'm putting myself back in my marathon race-leg tracking mode...5 legs X 5, plus a little bit at the end (yes, the little bit at the end is the same length as the other legs (five days) and not exactly the short little bit (1 mile385 yds)I have left at the end of a race but who cares? It's a familiar method, and it's worked, so I'm sticking with what I know...

That being said, Im thru three of the five legs, and that feels good. Busy next few days, so will check in next week.

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I have decided that the 30 days is not enough for me. My body has so much healing to do that I cannot get there in 30 days. This changes things for me, as I realize it's no longer a race to the 30 day finish but more like a long slow ride in the country...I can see these very small but miraculous changes happening. My eyesight has improved. It was not a fluke, I am seeing better and able to read rather clearly, without reading glasses. The rash on my hand is clearing up, and my complexion is smoothing out. Weight loss? I don't see much improvement yet, but I believe that will come later on...probably around day 45 or so. Any way, there's a shift happening, and that's a very good thing.

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Things going well whole30 wise...lifewise, my daughter has officially enterted me into the "I've got a teenager" phase of parenting, which I never understood until now. I'm so sad that we are slipping away from the life as we knew it. It's as it's supposed to be in that I know this is a vital stage of her development, but still the days of her wanting just to hang out with me are in the rear view mirror now.

I don't think too much about this program anymore, don't think about counting down the days, and certainly don't dream about the day when I'm done because I'm not quite sure when that will be. I know it will be long after the 30 day mark has passed. I'm more focused on the long term because if my eyesight can dramatically improve in 14 days, to the point I no longer need reading glasses, I wonder what else can happen by day 37? Or day 42? Or day75? And I think it would be a real shame if I didn't explore that part of things. I have yet to incorporate exercise, and I want to see how that impacts things.

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I'm excited to hear about eyesight.  I've always wore glasses and in my 40's went to bifocals.  My eyesight has gotten worse of the past couple months, that might be seasonable allergies.  Not the normally watery itchy eye, but where I can't see the computer screen.  I'm only on Day 7 of Whole30 so I'll have to watch and "see" if there is any improvement. 

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My eyesight improving is definitely an exciting and completely unexpected surprise. My vision started to go south, about 2 years ago. This was about the same time I started putting weight on rapidly, and also developed this awful itchy rash on my hand. I am now typing on my computer without the aid of readers, and the rash on my hand is nearly gone! Wow. I was hoping the rash would go away, but my eyesight improving was something i never even thought of. I haven't noticed much weight loss. My pants are easier to snap, but i definitely haven't dropped a size, or anything like that.


Truthfully, I cannot believe I made this far. Especially after struggling so much during days 10-15. Boy! Those were a real chore. Now, things are fairly easy. I've been put in a position to have a cocktail or a glass of wine, and I declined it, realizing it's just not worth feeling lousy the next day.

That being said, I'm looking forward to the freedom of saying yes, though.


I want to say I did the thirty days, so I'll stick with it until the end, but a cocktail sounds really nice right now.


I can't believe I'm done with the fourth leg of this thing. Slam the door on that one, and now onto leg #5, the last one, and then there'll be a little bit extra at the end...I know... I know... it's the same length as the other legs, so why not just say there's six legs to this? It's my old marathon trick, that's why, and it's the only way I'm getting through this.


We are counting them down, folks! Only 10 more days to go. Well that's nine actually, after today! 

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Three weeks! Three whole weeks! That's crazy. I woke up this morning, and noticed I can almost make a fist. Now that might sound weird, but my joints have felt swollen and tight for a very long time, to the point I couldn't make a tight fist without feeling tenderness when I really clenched hard.

Now it's almost gone. This is another reason why 30 days isn't long enough for me. I need more time to heal and get my body back to a non-inflamed baseline before I can see any type of weight shift. I can tell things are improving, even if it's on a very small microscopic level.


9 more days and counting...

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I'm on day 4, so you are a lot further than me :) Congrats!


I noticed you mentioned a few times that you feel like you need more than 30 days. Have you officially decided to do Whole60? I'm curious as to how that will work with the upcoming holidays... and also intrigued and motivated to think differently about Thanksgiving and Christmas. We don't celebrate Halloween so that's a non-issue for me.

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Ahhhhh...day 4, the good old days when the program is young and exciting...kidding of course...but Day 4 does feel like a very long time ago.

I want to continue on because now that I'm thru the worst of it (and there were some truly crabby days between Oct.1st and today), I'm seeing some very unexpected results, such as my eyesight improvement, the rash on my hand disappearing, my joints sure are less achy, a lot less achy actually, my cravings are pretty much gone, and overall I feel much much better than when I started. I took a video of myself the first day, and I was so down and defeated the morning I started, it's very sad to see myself like that. After only 21 days, I've accomplished so much in terms of healing that now it seems as if I've just begun, not almost completed, this process. I can see now how much internal damage was done to my body fighting cancer: surgery after surgery for two straight years, and all the antibiotics and pain killers and stress I endured, and then just the physical stuff like scare tissue and frozen shoulders which are loosening up beyond any expectation I had. I want to lose weight, too, but that hasn't happened yet. My feeling is that will come once these other areas are revitalized. Don't get me wrong, I don't particularly love this way of living. In fact, every day I wake up and want to cheat. Not in any big way, like wolfing down a pint of ice cream or anything like that, but I'd like to not feel so heavily shackled to some of the rules. I haven't cheated but I certainly want to. I don't even think about the holidays. I take things one day at time, and try not to be too concerned about thanksgiving and XMAS. They'll get here soon enough whether I'm doing this program or not. I'm just running on the road that's beneath my feet, and not the one that's 18 miles out. I've been pretty miserable and crabby some days but those were a while ago, and now it's all pretty easy. I don't think about it too much, which is a sharp contrast from when I started.

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Great news, folks! I got out of bed and my feet didn't hurt when I stood up! Crazy stuff. This is just the most fantastic news ever truly. Prior to today, I felt as if I were 95 years old every time I got up. But not this morning! Bounced, well not bounced, stood up like a normal person!

I had my first food dream. Fondue. God knows it was good, and God I'm knows if it were in my fridge right now, I'd go get it and jump right in and have myself a big old pot full of it. Another perk this morning? I can tighten my fist to the point I could actually punch some bodies lights out. Good thing I didn't have this ability on day 10!

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7 days, people!! 7 days!! Who would've ever guessed I would've made it this far? Not me, I'll tell you. Another crazy good item to report: my energy level is sky high! Okay, maybe not sky high, but pretty darn high. I'm still not sleeping so great, but the fabulous news is that I'm getting up and out of bed without the need for any, that's right ANY coffee! I didn't have a sip of it until 1:30 in the afternoon, and that was just because I was meeting a new friend I'd made in my daughter's class. This is another good item to report! I'm actually feeling so much better I'm socializing more ( well, this was the first time but still an improvement...) !

I even got a compliment at the dog park on how great I looked! The fact is, I don't think I've actually lost any weight yet, but I do feel much much better, so I guess it shows.

The real count down begins, people, in 7 days, I will have made it thru my first whole30!

Goals between now and then:

30 minute workout everyday

Organize my closet

Goodwill run

Pay my bills

Go to DMV to get new tags for my car ( expires Oct 31st)

Clean my house

Buy new pair of shoes!

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So, this weekend didn't go too well. Nothing earth shattering, but I'm ready to be done with this first Whole30. I'm going to continue on until Thanksgiving because I have a hunch I will see some weight loss results if I stick with it and extra 30 days. I've definitely created new habits, and I like that a lot. My vision keeps improving, and this other minor miracle occurred: my left eyebrow is growing back in...it's looked much thinner the past few years in comparison to the other one, so I'm excited to see this improvement.

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