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Oct. 1st. Start: Newbie to New Me!


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Day 6...grr...I think the carb flu has hit me. I'm not feeling well this morning. My ear hurts, I'm sweaty, I feel dizzy'ish, and a bit nauseas. I did drink a kombucha last night before going to bed, so maybe that's it, if not probably more detoxing in store for me over the next few days. I'm happy to be at day 6 though, and very proud I've made this far. After today, I'll be done with the first leg of the 30 days with four more to go. That's enough to keep me motivated even when feeling lousy.

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Mid-day 6: Feeling much better after a bit of breakfast and a cup of coffee. Yesterday, I found the sugar-free bacon at Whole Foods everyone's talking. It sure is good. I was never much of a bacon eater, and don't think I'll start eating a lot of it now, but it's certainly nice to know it's there. 

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It's Day 7!!! I can't believe it! 7 whole days without sugar, diet coke, gluten free pastries, basically 7 days without a bunch of crap glogging up my system and dragging my energy down. I cannot believe what a difference I feel in just 7 days. 7 days ago I woke up fighting a candy corn hangover and this morning I woke up feeling great even though I didn't fall asleep until midnight. This is great, people, really REALLY great.

So a big scary event happened yesterday: 2 minutes after I kissed her goodnight, my daughter started screaming in pain. She had a severe migraine that came on so fast I was stunned. She has a history of migraines, which were actually food allergy reactions, but this one presented unlike anything I'd ever experienced. She was scared and so was I. Her fingers started going numb, and that's when I really started worrying. One call to the doctor and we were on our way o the ER. We got in immediately only to be put on a bed, in the hall next to a bank of floors used by the staff to go back and forth to God knows where. I couldn't believe it. So here we were waiting, under super bright hallway lights, next to these banging doors, right next to this big huge button on the wall that the doctors punch to open the door. It was a nightmare. The intake nurse felt she wasn't an emergency, so this is where were placed for Two hours.

By the time we got to a room, my daughter had fallen asleep, so of course was not too alert when they woke her up to examine her. After she passed the various examinations, we were finally allowed to go home. She is resting this morning, and hopefully feeling much better. I am exhausted and feel like I have sandpaper in my eyes...nothing is worse than when my daughter is sick...the good thing that comes from nights such as these is the fortune I feel once home.

While all this was going on, I did notice I wasn't as frazzled and anxious as I normally would be under such circumstances, which I attribute to being on this program.

With only five hours of sleep last night, I'm definitely feeling my willpower go into hiding. Not looking for a stellar day, just one where the foods I eat are all allowed.

Day 6 went out with a bang. I'm officially thru the first leg of this race, yea!! Time to focus on leg #2.

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Mid-day report: things not going too badly. Eating approved foods in a somewhat approved fashion. Although my brain feels quite blurry from lack of sleep, I haven't found it too difficult to stick to the plan.

Had some of my special tahini sauce with cucumbers, which tasted like heaven, roasted a chicken breast, and finished with an orange. not the greatest but certainly not the worst, trying to plug away at my day 7.

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Day 7, done. Onto day 8...

Stayed within the food boundaries, but it wasn't easy and I am glad to be in bed away from my cravings which I forced to stay in the corner until I came upstairs. They were out, and they were strong, but I managed to keep them far enough away to not damage my progress. Hope I'll be rewarded for my discipline because it sure hasn't been easy today.

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Good Morning Day 8!

Not sure what's going on with my sleep, people, but I'll tell you it ain't good. I'm waking up at 2:30 am, tossing and turning for an hour or so, and then falling back to sleep hard. I can barely hear my alarm go off at 6:30am. I was also verrryyyyy hungry in spite of the hearty protein (sautéed onions and ground turkey) I had for dinner. The good news is I'm going back to sleep, and getting a deep sleep at that. Even if it's being broken by the alarm going off, its better than Waking up for the day at 3am like I used to do. I'd toss and turn, then eventually give up and just get up for the day. Total zombie.

Yesterday while grocery shopping, I noticed I look at packaged food differently. I don't really see those things as food any longer. They seem more like "products" As if they suddenly fallen into a category of paper towels and toilet paper...not sure that make sense but you get the gist..

I spent time yesterday retracing my daughters recent food intake...unfortunately, her migraine was an allergic reaction. One of the culprits was dairy hidden in salami that I'd bought for her from a super fancy deli where everything is "organic" and "natural". Everything but this particular salami, apparently. When the manager read me the ingredients, there wasn't an organic ingredient in site. The main culprit was dairy (nonfat!), which I neVer would've guessed would be in salami and then some lovely nitrates. I can easily buy salami without these nasty ingredients, and make a sandwhich from home but I was in a hurry and figured this would be ok.

This entire ordeal really hit home the point of being well prepared, and knowing every ingredient that's in the food we eat. Its a lot of effort, but worth it when I think about my girl lying in pain on a bed in the ER. That really sucked.

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Thank you...I'm definitely feeling the tug to go back to the familiar...I haven't done it, but I'm feeling that lull of enthusiasm mentioned in the book...I don't want to lose 8 days of success, though, so hopefully I can keep my wits about me until I get a good night's sleep. I think that's whats going on right now. Plus, my routine's been thrown way off by my daughter's health situation.

Thanks for the pat on the back, Stealthstitcher, I really needed one!

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I just started today, and I have read back through your week. I know exactly what you mean about those candy corn, although my issue is chocolate. 


You really did a great job a couple of times there, too, with some real issues. Taking a child to the ER? Trigger! Great job.


It is nice to hear that sleep patterns are changing. That is one of my issues, can't get to sleep, then can't wake up! Anyway, I am hoping to change that. 


It is a learning process. Thanks for sharing!

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Good luck Linven! I hope you have had a great first day!

Day8, glad you're over. Nothing stellar, just sticking inside the boundaries. I was soooooo tired today. I hope I have more energy tomorrow.

My skin looks better but that might be my new serum I bought last week. Other improvements, less stiffness, and here's a good one: my pants might, just might be fitting better.

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Day 9-I cannot believe I've made it this far, folks. This is blowing my mind!!

Went to bed with mild headache but woke up feeling good. Pretty good sleep last night, too, woke up a couple times, but leap froggged right over my usual 2:30am'er to 4:14am and then 6:10am...so I slept hard from 9:30pm to 11:15pm...when I woke up I actually thought it would 230am but it was only 11:15pm...awesome feeling that was...and then I didn't wake up again until 4:24am then back to sleep until 6:15am. Winner of a night in my book, so watch out day9, who knows what might happen after a good nights sleep!

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Day10. Woke up wanting to quit. Now not so bad and my energy level seems to be improving, so that's a good sign. I notice my skin looks better, another plus.

Other than that, I'm not feeling too happy about things. I miss my breakfast bars, and and I miss my gin and tonic at night, or glass of wine. I don't miss the headaches though, and I certainly don't miss the poor self esteem or lack of control. My itchy rash on my hand is going away, which is another plus.

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Well I never would've guessed I'd be feeling so chipper this evening, but here I am, chipper and full of energy! I do believe the fog has lifted, and I'm now enjoying the benefits of my stick-to-it-ness! 


I did have a larabar today, and that was an interesting experience. Didn't love it though, and wouldn't want to eat another one for a while, that's for sure.


I'm keeping my fingers crossed that I wake up tomorrow with energy and a lighter spirit than I did today. I do want to enjoy this program for a few of the days, anyway. 

I had a wonderful dinner with roasted vegetables. I never would've guessed i would look forward to eating roasted green beans and brussel sprouts, but boy! do I love those guys! Really really good!


Good night, Day 10.

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Ready to break out on Day 11 with confidence!  Which is much better than Day 9 and Day 10... really had a rough time there with the cravings and wanting to quit. So thankful for my husband for cheering me on and helping me stay focused. I was surprised at WHAT the cravings were though... I really thought by now I'd be going over the wall for pure sugar, you know - chocolate, and cupcakes, and ice cream - but that was not the case. It started on Friday evening, and it was for pizza and a diet coke - and hot, buttered, movie-theater popcorn!  On Saturday, it was for pancakes and a glass of milk.  


And yes - I realize that most of those things contain processed sugar (in some form), but they weren't exactly the things I thought I'd have the hardest time passing up.


On the good side, my energy levels seem to be improving with each day. And the BEST thing of all is that the fog is lifting. I feel as though I'm "waking up" from hibernation - look out world, the bear is on the loose!


Sleep is also improving. Not waking up two or three times a night anymore. At most, just once to pee (and that's probably because I've been forcing myself to drink a TON of water to help all this protein move a little more smoothly through my system..)


I've also learned that I really like the process of doing bulk cooking on the weekend. It's so much easier to stay on plan when I'm in a hurry and can open the fridge to immediately find pre-cooked protein and veggies ready to go. 


GetnFitter - I hope you found some more energy today. And GOOD FOR YOU for hanging in there, even on the bad days! My heart wrenched reading your story. I lost my mom to breast cancer four years ago this November. She was 69. And she consumed HUGE amounts of processed sugar and soda. We were always surprised that she never became a diabetic with the amount of sugar pouring through her. But lately I've read so many journal studies that have pointed to sugar as a food source for cancer cells, especially breast cancer, that I have to wonder if that was a factor in her diagnosis (she was already at Stage 4 when they found it).


Myself, I am a diet-coke-aholic. A few years back, I switched to diet cola with sucralose (Splenda) instead of aspartame at the urging of a good friend who worked for a neurologist. When I did that, my complexion cleared up and my migraines diminished. But I realize now that I only traded one addiction for another!


Linven - best of luck to you! Is this your first Whole30?


Wishing everyone a good day!

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Day 11 and things are starting to feel good. Yes, folks, I believe I just may be over the hump. I looked back over my last posts, and i was definitely in that carb flu phase, or some variation of it. Happy to report that I am just like lots of Whole30'ers who experience a true boost in energy levels after the first 10 days. 


Moderators will be happy to know that I now choose jicama or green beans over dates. Wow, now that's a real change. And I crave roasted brussel sprouts.

Vegetables taste sweet, which is a real shocker. Who would've ever guessed that on day 1? Not me, that's for sure. 


My sleep issues, while improving, aren't the greatest. I did wake up more alert and energetic so I'm keeping fingers crossed in hopes my sleep improves. My dog, a 85b. Basset Hound, may be part of the problem. He's taken on the habit of wanting his tummy rubbed early in the morning, about the time the sun comes up, he kicks me until he gets his way, which at first was funny but now not so much. Some say bassets aren't very bright. I beg to differ. He figured out that if kicking me didn't work, he'd wag his tail. He has a very long,solid tail. The more I try to ignore him, the faster he wags it, the faster he wags it, the louder the sheets wrestle, until I have no choice but to roll over and rub his tummy. He's very soft and squishy, so for the most part I don't mind, and I do owe him one. He saved my life. The least I can do is rub his tummy.


MargaretAnn-I am so sorry to hear about your mom. Her passing came at the same time as my diagnosis. Truly, my heart breaks hearing this news. From what I've come to learn cancer cells thrive on sugar. What's scary: walk into any oncologists office and you'll find a bowl of hard candy for patients to suck on. Have surgery? The first thing the hospital lets you eat? Sprite and jello and graham crackers. Having a hard time gaining weight from chemo? How about a bottle of Ensure? Which is nothing but sugar. The lack of nutritional guidance for cancer patients and how our health relates to the foods we eat is so negligent, it borders on criminal, and I'm not kidding when I say that. 

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End of Day11. Crummy mood due to dealing with my teenager who it typically sweet as can be, but today a bit moody which rubbed off on me. Hard to carry on a happy conversation with someone who needs each word extracted like a root canal. My basset hound barfed all over the floor, which always breaks my heart because you can tell he hates barfing as much as the next guy. All in all this day was sort of like this past week: nothing to write home about.

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Day12, Good Morning: today is yoga day, so I'm excited about that. Fall is in the air, finally, so that's exciting. My big protect today will be paying bills and organizing the pile of mail on my counter. No fun but sooooo rewarding when I'm done. Sort of like this program.

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I do wish I could get to the point mentally where this is just part of who I am. Some days, I feel like I'm living in a slightly altered universe, and I just want to go back home. It's really too bad that healthy eating feels so darn freakish.

"Woah, like, eating roasted vegetables is so weird, man."

That's how I feel in the kitchen sometimes.

"Where's the cheese, where's the ice cream, where are the Cheetos for chrissakes? Make some brownies, would you?" This is what's been rattling around in my brain off and on. My brain is like a spoiled toddler right now, or a teenage boy. And I'm tired of being the mindful parent saying, "not now" every second of the damn day.

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One thought that's crossed my mind when I grouch about the time in the kitchen and the sky high food bills this 30 days requires, is the fact that the amount of time and money spent is no where close to amount of time and money I spent in doctor's offices waiting for appointments, hospitals waiting for tests and results, and over all medical bills just to treat my "caught early breast cancer". Hours and hours and hundreds of thousands of dollars I gladly spent to keep alive. So, it's really not so bad, and I truly should quit whining in my head about it because I know the alternative is so much worse. 

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I just had a very tasty bowl of turkey chili, and boy am I full. I use Pom tomatoes and tomato sauce, ground turkey, and onions, added a few plantain chips, which I read were legal, and then topped it all off with a little bit of avocado, and I have to admit I didn't miss the beans at all, not one bit. Perfect.


I got my bills paid, which is a miracle because I hate paying bills, so that feels like a huge achievement. I'm plugging along but still not overly happy with anyone, or anything. I'm very grouchy, frankly. I sure hope that ends.

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Lucky 13! That's right. Today is my lucky day. Crabby mood? GONE! Low Energy? GONE! Hating this program? GONE? Fat girl pants? GONE!

I am officially in my not-quite-as-fat skinny jeans...yes, they're a squidge snug, but not embarrassingly so, and I'm so happy to fit into a smaller size could care less!

Also, yesterday snuck by me without my realizing I had completed the 2nd leg. Whoohooo!!!

Slam the door on that one, and now on to leg#3!

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Prior to yesterday, I was always so darn tired, I never had much extra energy to tackle things like mail and bills. Now, I have extra energy, and found I can no longer stare at the mound. In fact, I organized all my mail, and even pulled out a few file folders to take things one step further.

Gots lots gone today, no longer feeling like I'm living in an alternate universe, and am still craving things that are healthy.

Can't believe I made it this far...almost half way done!

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I'm not sure what could've caused this, but I feel like cr*p this morning. Headache, nausea....the only thing I can think of is a Ginger Kombucha I drank last night. I've stuck completely to the plan. I just don't get it....the other thought is the tahini sauce I had for my chicken, but all it had was tahini, lime juice and coconut amino. Super bummed....I'm reacting to something...so maddening.

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I'm really ready to throw in the towel. I won't, but I want to...grr...when are the days going to be easier?? I sick of the highs and the lows, tired of being crabby. I will keep plugging along but I sure hope I start feeling better soon....I'm wondering if tomatoes are making me not feel well? Gwd...it's always something. Goodnight, day whatever it is. Blech.

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