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What additives/foods should I be most concerned with post W30?


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I struggled with coming up with a thread title, and I still don't think it communicates clearly what I'm trying to ask about. I realize that everyone has to determine for himself or herself what is "worth it" and that that's what the reintro process and riding our own bikes is all about. That's not really what I'm asking about. 


What I'm really trying to figure out - and do further reading on, so suggestions for that are welcome - is what common food additives are just never going to be a good idea. For example, I recently read a post on the forum where Tom Denham said that carrageenan was pretty awful. I'd obviously avoided it during my W30 because that was part of the rules, but now that I am reintro'ing foods, is that something that I should avoid in general because it's just awful and there's no reason to try to reintroduce it? 


Similarly, what about sulfites? Soy as a processed, added ingredient? All the additives made of corn and wheat and all of that stuff? 


My plan is to eat W30 compliant in the house, and as close to W30 as possible when out. So really I'm thinking of those times when I'm out (at a relative's house, for example) and sneaking a look at the ingredient label on the chicken marinade. :)






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It honestly really comes down to you.  In our house we have completely banned soy and all its variations.  The research that I have done makes it off limits for us.  Should we ban carrageenan? Probably, because it's really bad for you.  But we love ice cream and most commercial ice cream will have it in so we turn a blind eye to that from time to time.  We use corn starch to thicken stir fries etc when not on Whole30 because arrowroot gives it a texture I don't like.  But I will never, ever cook with wheat flour.


It's all about what you are willing to go without and what you put your foot down on.  Everyone is going to be different.

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Thanks for the thoughts!


Any suggestions from anyone on helpful (reliable, not overwhelming) sources for where to read more on my own about this? I read MDA and some of the other paleo sites, but honestly, things get overwhelming and contradictory pretty fast. 


I'm leaning toward no processed soy and no wheat right now, myself. Dairy super rarely - I can tell its effects immediately. But it's all those little additives that creep into our food that I'm thinking about. 

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It honestly really comes down to you.  In our house we have completely banned soy and all its variations.  The research that I have done makes it off limits for us.  But I will never, ever cook with wheat flour.



I'm just thinking this all through too. Carrageenan seems to be everywhere! And sadly in all the almond mik I'd bought for the W30 and couldn't use which husband is now hasting me about.........

Could you briefly say what it is about wheat and soy that's made you decide that please? Not querying your decision just intrigued - and at the start of the thinking it through process.


Jen - nice to meet you off piste! Great thread!

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Could you briefly say what it is about wheat and soy that's made you decide that please? Not querying your decision just intrigued - and at the start of the thinking it through process.


Hi britgirl!  Soy and wheat both bother my body.  Wheat impacts my digestion and my skin, soy impacts my mood and gives me headaches and they both contribute to moderate to high inflammation in my joints and in my back/neck.  And since I have had some fairly serious neck and back injuries, I just cannot add inflammation because it is so hard to recover from.


I also stay away from soy because of the hormonal disruptive issues (especially for men) and because I really don't like how it's put into so many things as filler or just because someone out there is making money off of the sheer volume of it that they can force the unknowing consumer to eat.

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Thanks for that laddyshanny! How long did it take you to work out what was causing what?

I've rather muddled up the wheat intro (did all the others by the book. Legumes - not good. Others think ok) by going to a party on gluten day and eating modestly but included all plus wheat and then was very ill. Not been consistent since then but had wheat today and I'm WEARY. And rummbly stomach. And mouth full of ulcers but hard to say why. My brother is a coeliac so was expecting trouble with wheat.

And the post nasal drip is back which I'd put down to milk.

Soy is intruiging - I've been downing the stuff as I'd read it helps with menopausal symptoms and I've certainly been hot flushing for Britain since giving it up. Also unexpectedly a long standing hip pain (piriformis muscle) was much better on W30 tho general stiffness was unchanged. But wasn't expecting my hip to get better so rather delighted.

Think I need to get back on and re intro more systematically.

Jen - let us know what you discover. I'm certainly much more careful about what I eat now and think far more about health impact than short term gratification ( followed by stomach ache) now. Result!

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