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HELP! Whole 30 after Lap Band Surgery

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Today is Day 29 of my first Whole 30 and I am LOVING IT. My husband has enjoyed watching me on The Whole 30 so much that he wants to do one himself. One catch- two years ago he had lap band surgery. He has a terribly difficult time eating. He has to eat very small portions throughout the day, with things that won't "expand" or "overfill" his stomach. Also, he has a really hard time with chicken, greens, and potatoes.


Is there any hope? What would he eat on a Whole 30? How can I cook for him?



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He has to continue working within those limits.  That was the purpose of the surgery.  WLS (gastric bypass, lapbands, sleeves) have advantages and disadvantages.  I have several relatives who've managed to eat it back with a gastric bypass.  


Is there any hope.  Is he gaining the weight back or struggling with all food?

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Okay what is usually recommended for those who have lap band surgeries is this:


Eat smaller sized template meals - so protein, fat and veg.

Make the portions enough so he is full 3 - 4 hours.  So he may have to eat 4 to 5 smaller template meals a day as opposed to 3 template meals.


Okay if he has issues with greens - how is on digesting cooked greens?   There are many other starchy veg options other than potatoes - think sweet potatoes, celery root, beets, carrots, parsnips, winter squashes, etc.


Consuming bone broth might help him heal his digestive issues a little.  Or blended soups.

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Thanks Carlaccini! Bone broth is an excellent idea. He is warming up to sweet potatoes. He hates celery and beets. Definitely will try parsnips!


Meadowlily- No! He's done SO WELL. He's lost over 100 pounds and it has changed his life. He goes to the gym 3 times a week and packs his lunches now. I'm just pleased he's really starting to look at food differently, as opposed to just weight loss/gain, and really want to support THAT.





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