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Next Step


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Hi, I am coming to the end of my whole 30 days and I am contemplating my next step. I have been identified with an autoimmune disease and so I've be even accounting for that. My question now is, do I continue on the programme for another 30 days with this condition, or can I open the food-choices a little more? Secondly, if I open the food choices, what shopping list would be best?



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Under ordinary circumstances, after 30 days it is time to do reintroductions, but you may want to continue on 3-4 months to allow more gut healing, hormonal rebalancing, etc. Persons with an autoimmune disease are not finished healing after just 30 days. 


What you should continue avoiding in your meals is dependent upon what kind of autoimmune condition you have. We can't say which shopping list should be your guide without knowing more about your condition. 

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