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Day 1


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Just announcing as suggested . . . have been slowly eliminating anything that resembles a grain over the past few weeks, gone shopping, cleaned out the cupboards, established a regular meal pattern and have instituted a "eating meals at the table only" practice. Now ready to proceed with all the rest ...

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It sounds like you are well prepared! For me, the regular meal pattern was . . . a challenge, which I successfully met (Day 11 here).


Depending on what your food likes are, make sure you make some of your favorite things ahead of time. For me, it was making mayonnaise and clarified butter . . . . you can see where my priorities lie :)  and just making sure my freezer was stocked with easy to cook proteins and dark roast coffee and hard boiling a lot of eggs.

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Been doing Whole30-style eating for 15 days now (this is my "official" Day 1) and I haven't had a single hardboiled egg yet - I'm changing that by cooking a bunch this weekend and whipping up some mayo. Hopefully I like it with EVOO!




-Lauren (GGG)



EVOO is going to make horrible, bitter mayo.  Truly, you don't want to do that, it'll be an enormous waste of resources.  If you have a Costco near you, they sell "Chosen" brand of avocado oil which makes very nice mayo or, failing that, most grocery stores will sell a light olive oil.  

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