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Cheryl's Whole 30 Log - Started 1/1/2016


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So my husband and I are really looking to change our lifestyle.  We did a Paleo inspired plan a friend shared with us about a year and a half ago and felt better, lost weight and were able to make good changes to our lives.  We did well for about a year and things have slowly declined.  As we went through the holidays we both went completely off the rails with eating and drinking pure junk.  


We actually did not enjoy our holiday weekend as much as we should have because we engorged ourselves so much on food we made ourselves sick.  So excited to get started and make changes.


Jan 1:

Breakfast: Aidells Chicken Sausage sauteed with 2 eggs scrambled.  1 cup coffee.

Lunch: 1/2 can of tuna with Well Fed's Olive Oil Mayo  rolled in iceberg lettuce with side of sliced mango

Dinner: Bubba burger grilled with sauteed onions, peppers and topped with French's mustard.  Medium sweet potato and a side of vegetables roasted in olive oil.


Jan 2:

Breakfast: Slow Cooker Breakfast Meatloaf with one fried egg.  Side of sliced mango.  2 cups coffee.

Lunch: Grilled steak tips over a salad drizzled with olive oil and vinegar, banana bread larabar

Dinner: Grilled steak with a medium sweet potato and a side of vegetables roasted in olive oil


Jan 3: 

Breakfast: Butternut squash breakfast skillet (we made ours with ground turkey instead of the sausage).  Small apple with one tbl of almond butter. 2 cups coffee.

Lunch: Grilled chicken breast over a salad drizzled with olive oil and vinegar.  Banana bread larabar.

**We were so hungry by 3pm that despite trying not to snack we both had another banana bread larabar

Dinner: Pork seasoned and sauteed in 1tbl olive oil.  Medium sweet potato and a side of vegetables roasted in olive oil.  



Day 1- We spent the day at the grocery store and pre-cooking as much as we could manage.  I was mildly hungry in between meals but not bad.


Day 2- I had a dull headache at the base of my head that came and went throughout the day.  I found myself very hungry between lunch and dinner and tried to stave the hunger with water.  


Day 3 - I woke with the dull headache that continued to come and go throughout the day.  I drank more water in the last three days than I have in months.  I was constantly thirsty.  The hunger came after lunch again and we caved and ate a snack.  I was so tired by the end of the day and went to bed as to ignore the hungry feeling that had returned.



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Jan 4:


Today I woke up feeling pretty good.  I know this is the KILL ALL THE THINGS DAY, which also happens to be RETURN TO WORK AFTER A LONG WEEKEND...which could lead to killing things in the first place.  Despite knowing that I feel pretty good so far.  


I woke up without a headache, although I do have a chest ache that feels like the start of a cold.  I'm very tired but that also could be because I am returning to work after 3 days of not getting up this early.


I'm definitely having a hard time not stepping on the scale.  I want the encouragement I get from seeing the scale move but I need to retrain my brain and I know that.


Breakfast: Aidells Chicken Sausage sauteed with 2 eggs scrambled.  1 cup coffee (so far) but another is soon to follow.

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So I'm surprised to still be feeling this good this late in the day.  I did not get the "Hungry Horrors," as my mother would call them today.  I did not get any headaches.  Is this too good to be true?  PROBABLY, ha ha.


Lunch: Grilled chicken and vegetables roasted in olive oil.  Banana bread larabar.

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So, to finish up Day 4 - 

Dinner: Onion Bubba Burger with sauteed peppers, onions and French's mustard on top.  Side of veggies roasted in oil and a sweet potato.


Last night I slept horribly.  I tossed and turned all night long.  I don't feel especially tired yet this morning but I'm sure this will catch up to me later.  I had my first food dream last night.  In the dream I was having a conversation with someone about how I couldn't eat anything where we were but as I was talking I realized I was stuffing fast food french fries in my mouth.  I threw out the rest of the dream fries and the cheeseburger that was sitting in front of me but I felt so horribly guilty.  It's funny because I'm not having any food cravings during my waking hours...but apparently my dreaming hours really want some Mickey D's!


Today is January 5, Day 5.  As I mentioned, despite a horrible restless night's sleep I do not seem to feel tired this morning.


Breakfast: Butternut squash breakfast skillet (we made ours with ground turkey instead of the sausage).  Medium sized Cara Cara orange (so yummy!).


Lunch will be: Sweet onion Bubba burger topped with sauteed onions and peppers (yeah, leftovers).  Side of roasted veggies cooked in olive oil and a banana bread larabar.

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Great job so far! I like seeing my progress too, but it can really be disheartening when you don't see the day-to-day progression that you want.  In 30 days hopefully we'll all be pleasantly surprised! Thanks for linking your recipes. I'm intrigued by the breakfast meatloaf and breakfast skillet.  It's only day 2 for me, so I like reading what I can possibly expect for myself!

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It's great that you and your husband are doing this together! My husband is fairly supportive, but I think he could benefit from actually doing the W30 and he won't. Oh well.


I'm going to check out your recipes, too--they look good! 


On day 3, when you both got hungry at 3 pm, it looks to me like you might not have had enough to eat at lunch! I find I need starchy veg at breakfast and at lunch in order to get through the day (I often have them at dinner as well, but since that's closer to bedtime it doesn't seem as important). Also, I usually have a long break between lunch (around noon) and dinner (around 7/8 pm) because of my job/lifestyle. I plan for this and have a hard boiled egg and a couple of carrot sticks (or a slice of turkey and an apple, etc) around 4-5 pm. I also eat Larabars, but only for true emergencies since they have a lot of sugar (fructose) and I know that's a migraine trigger for me.

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MzMeka, both recipes were pretty simple and tasted good.  Next time I would emit or use less of the crushed red pepper flakes in the meatloaf.  It's a little too spicy for my liking.


Brooklyn, I was doing this no matter what...but my husband was very curious and has been saying he needs to focus more on his health and decided to jump along with me.  It certainly makes cooking easier than each of us having to fend for ourselves.  


Thanks for the tip on a starchy vegetables - I've noticed I'm much more satisfied after dinner and it's got to be the sweet potatoes.  I think we underbought vegetables for the first week which is making it a little tough.  I'm thinking another trip to the store is in order.  

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Well, after lunch today it turned into MURDER day. :angry:  I went from feeling super mellow to super agitated about everything.  Lets hope this passes fast!


I'm slowly sipping a cup of tea trying to be mindful of whether or not my emotions are real or just motivated by all of the changes I am putting my system through.

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We have gone to the store twice already, I'm trying to do everything I can to hold off until Sunday if we can make it.  ;)


My mood improved when I left work, which is no real surprise.  So far today I'm feeling less edgy but I did yesterday morning as well so I will cross my fingers I'm past that stage.



Day 5 - Dinner was Grilled steak tips, salad and a sweet potato.



I slept much better last night but my husband said he feels like he didn't sleep at all which isn't good.  We both know better days are coming so we will just hang on as best we can until then.  


January 6, Day 6


Breakfast: Slow Cooker Breakfast Meatloaf with one fried egg.  Small serving of grapes. 1 cup coffee (so far)

Lunch: Grilled steak with a side of vegetables roasted in olive oil.  Cashew cookie larabar


One of the bands my husband is playing in has a show tomorrow night...I want to go and I don't want to go at the same time.  I know that i need to learn skills to deal in the real world but I just don't know that I'm ready yet.  I'm a craft beer geek and beer has actually been one of the biggest things that has held me back when I've gone semi-paleo in the past.  I'm not sure I'm ready to sit in a bar and drink water and try not to fall asleep on a Thursday night.  My decision remains to be made.  

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One of the bands my husband is playing in has a show tomorrow night...I want to go and I don't want to go at the same time.  I know that i need to learn skills to deal in the real world but I just don't know that I'm ready yet.  I'm a craft beer geek and beer has actually been one of the biggest things that has held me back when I've gone semi-paleo in the past.  I'm not sure I'm ready to sit in a bar and drink water and try not to fall asleep on a Thursday night.  My decision remains to be made.  



Hi!  Was just reading through your blog and this caught my eye.  I did a Whole30 back in July and just made the decision not to go out, because I knew it would be difficult for me.  I am suppose to go to an Italian restaurant tomorrow night for some girl time, but I think I am going to have to say no.  I will want wine and a wood fired grilled pizza.  For me, it is just easier to stay in so I don't worry about what the food is cooked in etc.  The only thing I did while on my last Whole30 was go to Jason's Deli!  LOL!  If it is just a bar thought, I could probably get by with some sparkling water and be okay.  But dinner and drinks - no way.  Good luck to you!

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Hi Jenny, Thanks!  We have two set commitments later in the month that I had mentally prepared myself for, but I just don't know if I'm in the right headspace yet.  I know I can get by...but if I'm going to go out I want to enjoy myself and if I'm going to be stressed or irritated - what fun is that?   :blink:

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Hi Jenny, Thanks!  We have two set commitments later in the month that I had mentally prepared myself for, but I just don't know if I'm in the right headspace yet.  I know I can get by...but if I'm going to go out I want to enjoy myself and if I'm going to be stressed or irritated - what fun is that?   :blink:

Yep, the first week is the hardest I think. I am on Day 6, and I know that I am not going to have enough willpower to go and enjoy myself tomorrow night.  So, I will bow out. I think later in I might be okay, but not this week!  LOL!  You should enjoy yourself, and if you don't think you can stay home and chill.  There will be other times where you feel like it and can enjoy it.  Oh, that reminded me. We all went out one night to see a band that my husband knew.  It is more of a cafe style type place. Very bohemian.  So lots of latte's, coffee's, hot chocolates, truffles,etc.  I don't like coffee, but the temptation for everything else was there.  I sipped my bottled water and ended up having a great time (this was around 15 days in).  So it can be done!  :D

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Sounds like things are going really well for you!! I am on day 3 and wanted to kill all the things earlier, but since breakfast, I have felt myself calm down. 


I am very excited to try that breakfast meatloaf. It is something I scoped out a few weeks ago and put it into my meal planning for next week. However, I made a breakfast casserole this week and found that to be so very easy to bring to work for breakfast rather than try to get up and make some eggs and hash. I will have to figure something out :)


Good Luck!!

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Hi everyone!!! Just gearing up to start this weekend. Hoping to start on Saturday. So glad to see your struggles and sucesses :) . Can someone point me in the direction of the breakfast casserole recipe??  I am hoping to make a few things like that for breakfasts that and the breakfast meatloaf so I can have that in place for several of my meals for week #1. Thanks again for sharing and keep on keeping on...I need all the encouragement I can get...I am a carboholic LOL !!!

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Hi Tammy - Congrats & Good Luck  :)  Sometimes making the decision to start can be the hardest part.  


Here's the meatloaf link - http://meatified.com/slow-cooker-breakfast-meatloaf/

We've managed to get 4 individual servings out of it so far and I think I may be able to squeak another 4 out if I'm good.


I'd love to see the casserole one myself!

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So to cap off day 6...


Dinner: Sauteed pork, butternut squash and cinnamon, mixed bag of frozen California veggies.  (We are out of sweet potatoes, the horror!)


Didn't feel too out of sorts yesterday, and slept OK last night.  Not the miraculous sleep of dreams..but it was fine overall.



Day 7 - January 7...last day of our first full week.  WOO HOO!  Although days 1-3 I experienced headaches, and days 4-5 I was feeling a tightening in one of my calves...overall I haven't had any physical issues.  I'm not having any crazy food cravings, yet - and that excites me because I anticipated that was going to be my downfall.  I'm a well trained emotional eater, especially when it comes to stress, and despite a stressful week so far at work I'm doing pretty good.


Breakfast:  Butternut squash breakfast skillet.  Apple with a tbl of natural almond butter

Lunch: Grilled chicken breast, green salad and a dressing of olive oil and vinegar.  Banana bread larabar.

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You are doing great Cheryl.  I, too, would skip the band playing tonight. Beer is just too great of a temptation right now.  I made the following casserole - http://paleomg.com/easy-breakfast-casserole/. It was really good. I was just a little heavy handed with the salt which is unlike me.  Just curious, why are you eating the larabars? I thought they were more for emergencies.  Also, how much water are you averaging? That's always been a struggle for me.

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This is my first time, I guess I got the message that Larabars were OK to stave off the hunger at work etc....but we've been combining them with mid-day meals because It Starts With Food discouraged snacks between meal.


That casserole sounds great, Thanks!


I'm drinking about 8 oz of water with breakfast, about 2-3 16.9 oz bottles during the work day and another 16.9 oz bottle at night.  I have to stop drinking early or I will be up all night.  Probably not enough but I'm working on it.  There are so many conflicting answers as to how much water to drink a day that I get really confused on that.

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I'm new to Whole 30 too. I'll paste below what I read. Snacking is definitely something I was afraid of. I saw feedback from a veteran saying that making sure we're following the meal plan and eating enough protein, veggies, and fat is the key.  After work is when I'm having the biggest issue.  During work, I'm surprisingly okay - probably because of this forum!!  I agree with the conflicting water amounts. I definitely can't drink half my body weight in ounces. LOL. I'm averaging 48 ounces. Some days a little more. I'm actively working on taking in more water.



This change to our marketing strategy comes as a desire to provide the best guidance we can during y9our Whole30, and help you make the healthiest choices for your long-term goals. RxBars, Larabars, and other dried-fruit-and-nut bars are still appropriate emergency food for your Whole30, as long as the ingredients are compliant. But as always, include these in your Whole30 cautiously, as there is serious potential to use these bars in a less healthy manner during your program. As on-the-go or emergency food? Yes. As a replacement for your mid-day sugar boost, daily late-night treat, or to satisfy your Day 3 raging Sugar Dragon? While it’s not an official Whole30 rule, we’d strongly suggest no.


Reminder: just because the ingredients are compliant doesn’t mean the product is the best choice for inclusion in your Whole30. For more on this topic, refer to the Treats, Food Fixations, and the Scale section of The Whole30 (page 95). http://whole30.com/2015/06/future/#sthash.P6dhhOxg.dpuf

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