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Former Foodie log - Whole34, second round, *deep breath* Jan11th-Feb14th


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Day 0


Today we celebrated "King's Cake Day"... with cake of course. (I won't describe it here to not entice anyone.) This is the reason I planned to start tomorrow.


I ended the day with tomato soup (of course it was made with cream) so just added some real sour cream to it (instead of the paleo sour cream waiting for me in the fridge.) At the end of dinner, my husband put the lid on the sour cream and said, "Are you done? Say good-bye!" He tries to be funny, I'm not sure it's always helpful :P


I have plenty of compliant *stuff* in the fridge, but no real plan (except my coffee, I'll probably make it with chai spices, coconut cream, and coconut oil blended.)


See you on the morrow!

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Day 1


  • 8:30a 12oz home brew decaf coffee, 2 Tbsp coconut cream, 1 Tbsp cocoa powder, 1tsp coconut oil, all blended together
  • 10a 16oz bone broth
  • 11:30a 2 eggs and 1/2 a Whole Foods pork bratwurst
  • 1p small apple
  • 3p-4:30p I was cooking and snacking on carnitas, roasted onions, roasted butternut squash, roasted seeds...
  • 5p dinner: carnitas, guacamole, roasted butternut squash, radish (I avoided the corn tortillas, cheese, and butter my family was having.)


It's 9p and I've wanted a little sweet snack for over an hour (I'm always drained and craving when we finally get the kids to bed.)


I feel stuffed and unsatisfied, like I ate too much of what I didn't want (or rather not any of what I did want.) I feel very bloated, and all too aware of what feels like my giant belly. I think some herbal tea would do me good, but I don't really have enough motivation for it.

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Day 2


  • 8a 12oz decaf coffee, half a serving of hazelnuts
  • 10a 1 egg, 1 cup broccoli slaw, 1 compliant hot dog, all cooked in 1Tbsp lard
  • snacked every time I walked by the kitchen on leftover fried pork bits in lard
  • 2p 2c baby greens with compliant ranch, palm hearts, 2 slices prosciutto
  • 3p 1 serving hazelnuts, half a banana
  • 5p dinner: pork bratwurst, sauteed veggies
  • 8p 2c bone broth, crispy carnita snacks




Observations today: I don't feel near as bloated as yesterday, but I'm still wandering around aimlessly snacking. I'm hoping this will get better as my body gets used to this new diet and my cravings lessen. I was dying for a snack this afternoon (stuck with banana and nuts,) it took a lot of willpower not to mash it up with cocoa powder in hopes of making a mock dessert!

I was also very much craving cookie dough at around 8:30p, which is not usually something I eat. (Darn family for speaking liberally and eating cheese under my nose! :P )

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