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Planning Reintro... Before birthday mixing 2 foods?


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I am on day 22 and I am planning my reintro. I will have exactly 12 days before my birthday and was seeking advice on eating 2 or more off-plan foods on my birthday or during that weekend. I planned to do a regular reintro for the first few items (2-3 of the following: alcohol, sugar, gluten free grains, dairy) with 2-3 compliant days in between but was thinking of doing a combined test to 1. Celebrate the weekend and 2. See how my body reacts to more than one off plan food. Guidance on this? Will it throw off my reintro? I don't want to go crazy since meat, potatoes, veggies and seafood are my favs and compliant but I would love to have a drink and some cake or ice cream during the course of the weekend.

Thanks in advance.

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You CAN definitely combine foods that you have not reintroduced but if you feel ill or sad or rashy after, you won't know what it was that dosed you. My recommendation would be to spend your next 12 days re-introing that which you definitely want to eat on this birthday so that you know what you're in for and if you haven't re-intro'd it by your birthday, I'd steer clear. Have the birthday and then get back on the horse, do some good days of Whole30 so you feel good again and then keep introducing.

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