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Robyn's Food Log

Robyn Lee

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I just wrapped up my first day on Whole30 and I have to say- it was easy peasy. I did all the prep the book suggested on Sunday so today was cake (lol.... cake).


I'm still feeling pretty motivated but am slightly more nervous about tomorrow. My mayo did not turn out well (probably because I used extra virgin olive oil instead of light olive oil?) so I didn't want to gamble with using it to make the red pepper mayo for tomorrow. So I'll be swinging by the store on my way home from work to pick up the light olive oil and try it again. Fingers crossed!


Breakfast- Spinach frittata with orange slices on the side

Lunch- chicken protein salad with grapes, sliced almonds, and celery over a bed of lettuce

Dinner- Spaghetti squash topped with tomato sauce and a side of roasted potatoes and a seared chicken breast

Snacks- grapes after dinner 

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Day 2 = done! I did feel a bit tired all day, but it wasn't horrible at all. Will tomorrow be a rude awakening? I finished my prep for today and remade the mayo using coconut oil instead of olive oil. I think it turned out much better than before!


Breakfast- Spinach, tomato, and cucumber omelet + 1/2 avocado

Lunch- Chicken protein salad in a bell pepper + carrot stucks + celery sticks + grapes

Dinner- Chicken with red roasted pepper mayo (UH-MAZING!!!) + a side of roasted potatoes (I made the cabbage slaw in the night before and TOTALLY forgot to pull it out of the fridge!  :angry: )

Snack- Orange between lunch and dinner

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Day 3 is behind me and I'm still feeling good and motivated. I talked with a co-worker who saw my Whole30 book on my desk and said that she had done the program before and LOVED IT. She also mentioned it took about 6 days for her to feel like she was getting her butt kicked by the lack of sugar, so I'm still awaiting the dreaded moment that I start to hate life. This evening, I started putting together my meal plan for next week and I'm excited to get started!


Breakfast- last piece of Monday's Frittata + Avocado

Lunch- Mexican tuna boats + leftover cabbage slaw + side of grapes

Dinner- Slow cooker chuck roast cooked with onion and butternut squash + side salad drizzled with greek dressing 

Snack- tried out Lara bars today and found a couple flavors I like. I will probably order a box online to have in stock just in case.


Bring on day 4!

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When I woke up this morning and started walking around, I noticed that I felt..... like I had done a ton of cardio? My arms and legs were wobbly and everything little thing made me feel tired. Since I haven't been experiencing any repercussions yet, this feeling actually excited me because it makes me think, "It's working!"


My food prep game was not strong tonight. I think I'm going to improvise breakfast and lunch tomorrow, but do the scheduled Pork chops for dinner. Also, the fact that I don't own a full sized food processor has really been biting me in the butt. Definitely going to be looking around for one so I can finally make mayo correctly.


Breakfast- omelet with green peppers and onion + avocado on top

Lunch- leftover greek salad with Red Pepper Mayo on top

Dinner- Oven roasted tilapia + broccoli, yellow squash, and onion mix

Snacks- banana

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I felt better today, but definitely tired. Still feeling motivated, though!


Breakfast- Banana

Lunch- House salad with grilled chicken and Greek dressing from Wednesday

Dinner- Porkchops on a bed of spinach with homemade applesauce (delicious!)

Snack- Apple

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Day 6 was the biggest test for me so far. I haven't been plagued with unbearable headaches or fatigue (except that I did have to take a nap at 8pm yesterday). But today, I visited my parents, my sister, and her new baby girl. Since I wasn't going to be in my safety bubble of home, work, or the grocery store, I was really nervous (my family live 2.5 hours from me).


But I spent several hours Friday night prepping for Saturday and made sure I would have EVERYTHING I would need (which was mostly just lunch). It ended up going really well and I didn't break any rules!


Epiphany time: I have consistently struggled with drowsiness on long drives and I was dreading making the trip home in the dark by myself. But I found that I was struggling with road-fatigue at all! It then occurred to me that my drowsiness before was probably due to my body crashing off of a sugar high- and now I don't have to worry about that!


Breakfast- Coffee and some leftover potatoes of my boyfriend's plate (whoops)

Lunch- butternut squash soup (My first time and it was DELICIOUS) + Salmon cakes

Dinner- Pork Carnitas roasting in the slow-cooker all day while I was traveling + sweet potato and Avocado mayo

Snack- Orange

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Day 7: HUGE PREP DAY. I spent my morning finishing up the meal plan for the week over a cup of coffee and only managed to grab an apple on my way out to grocery shop. It took about 2.5-3 hours to get the shopping done, but I think I hit some great deals and even bought a cheap bathroom storage wrack to set on my counter and use as a fruit rack (read: I'm a genius). 


Here's a link to my meal plan for the week in case anyone is interested. I split up all the ingredients I would need for all the things so I could make sure to get enough of everything. Then I printed this list and highlighted the groceries I would need to get. Obviously breakfasts aren't a huge emphasis for me since it's so easy to throw together an omelet with leftovers in the fridge. And I left Sunday blank to make the decisions later based on the amount of leftovers I have on hand.


Also, I bought a food processor today. I am So. Excited


Breakfast: Apple

Lunch: ... I forgot to eat

Dinner: Chicken suasage + Kale frittata with drizzle of avocado mayo + Cauliflower mash (UM YES? I will never have regular mashed potatoes again)

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Day 8: I'm experiencing the phenomenon of not feeling hungry... like ever. As a former bored/stressed/binge eater, I never thought I would feel this way. It is freeing and I'm excited about it!


Breakfast: Leftover chicken sausage + kale frittata with avocado mayo

Lunch: Perfect Burgers with lettuce buns topped with tomato and mustard

Dinner: Buffalo chicken wings (ABSOLUTELY DELICIOUS, will definitely be making on a weekly basis forever)

Snack: Orange

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Day 9: In general, this day was awful. Not because of food, but because of work and bad weather and I set a potato on fire in the microwave making my entire apartment smell like smoke. So when I found myself alone in the office after-hours trying to get work done, the stress usually would have driven me to raid the snack cupboards for goodies and binge our. But instead, I reached for my emergency Lara Bar in my purse and focused on getting my work done.

That small victory really helped me up to get through preparing for dinner this evening.

Breakfast: Leftover Kale and Chicken sausage frittata + avocado

Lunch: Leftover slow cooker pork with cauliflower mash on top

Dinner: Grilled coconut curry chicken with cauliflower rice on the side (loved!)

Snack: Lara Bar

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Day 10: I had a dream last night that I split a long Tootsie-Roll with my high school BFF. As soon as I swallowed it, I was consumed with guilt, wondering how I could have given up 10 days of success for one little bite of (not even that great) chocolate. When I woke up I was so relieved that it was just a dream.

I didn't do any prep yesterday and I really felt it today... I'll definitely get some done tonight so tomorrow is less stressful.

Breakfast: finished off frittata

Lunch: Cold Thai salad with Sunshine Sauce

Dinner: Chimichurri beef kabobs with a side of leftover cauliflower rice

Snack: Orange

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Day 11: Today has been the most challenging day so far of me resisting the urge to rummage through cupboards and snack on something while working. I KNOW there's bags of various candy and chocolate in the community kitchen at work- because I made a note to shove those things away in a cabinet at the beginning of my Whole30 so I wouldn't have to look at them every day. I also struggled to not weigh myself, even though I had thought I convinced myself that I didn't care about that...

But I managed to persevere!

Breakfast: Scrambled eggs with avocado

Lunch: Grilled chicken salad with raspberry walnut vinaigrette

Dinner: Roasted pork shoulder with butternut squash and kale (REALLY delicious!)

Snack: Orange

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I love the food log. How did you do it? I am a techno weenie so I haven't any place to do this. But it was reassuring to me to know that you also experienced the tired can hardly walk on Day 5. I also broke my food processor trying to make the mayo, and now have to go out and find one. In my rural area that is hard to do. 

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I love the food log. How did you do it? I am a techno weenie so I haven't any place to do this. But it was reassuring to me to know that you also experienced the tired can hardly walk on Day 5. I also broke my food processor trying to make the mayo, and now have to go out and find one. In my rural area that is hard to do.

I Just started a new thread under the Food Log board and I keep coming back every day to update!

And that sucks about your food processor! I've used mine almost every day in the 6 days that I've owned it. Maybe this would be a good opportunity to upgrade!

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Yes your recipes sound delicious! Where are you getting them? I start Monday and am doing food prep this weekend.


Your doing great! Where are you getting your recipes from they all sound so delisious

All of the recipes I'm using have come straight from the Whole30 book! But I have also started to explore some other recipes online and have found some freezer-meals for the slow cooker and quick breakfasts that I want to try, too.

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Day 12: Today was another fine day and very productive. I had a pretty relaxed Friday evening since dinner was being cooked in the Slow Cooker. My boyfriend (who is doing Whole30 with me) had to work until 9 and I like to wait until he gets home so we can eat together.

I wasn't sure if it was because I was waiting to eat or if it's sugar withdrawal (on day 12???) but I did start getting a headache tonight that felt like it could have been food-related. Perhaps my body is taking longer than normal to realize that I haven't been pumping sugary food into it? Since I haven't field too awful, I assumed that I never would- but maybe it's starting to kick in and it will be downhill for a while?

Well.... Bring it!

Breakfast: Scrambled eggs with fresh strawberries

Lunch: Leftover pork shoulder roast

Dinner: Chili + a baked potato

Snack: Orange, Lara bar

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Day 13: The most challenging day by far. Today I had to work an event as part of my job from 8am-4pm. I had to get up at 5:30 am so I could make breakfast and be sure to leave by 6:30 am to make the 1.5 hour trip to the venue. I am SO NOT a morning person and getting up earlier than 7 am is a challenge to me.


But I managed to drag myself out of bed after only hitting snooze once and cook up some scrambled eggs with avocado + my necessary coffee to hit the road with me. I ate in the car and felt pretty awake by the time I arrived.


Lunch was included as part of this event at the head organizer submitted my dietary restrictions to the hotel convention kitchen so I could make sure to stick with my plan (the header organizer is actually the person who introduced me to Whole30). So I settled in to lunch with my chicken breast and a side of sautéed veggies (pushing away the brown rice taking up half my plate) while everyone around me stuffed their faces with saucy lasagna, breadsticks, and chocolate chip cookies.


It was hard watching everyone each foods that I used to love. This is the first time I've had to endure it while being on Whole30.


But wait, it got worse.


In my particular line of work, we encourage young girls to sell cookies to support troop activities and going camp ( ;) can you guess?) and in the afternoon, I was helping my supervisor lay out a bunch of these chocolatey, minty, peanut buttery cookies on a platter to serve as a snack. When the smell of those cookies hit my nose, I was washed in a desire to eat one. Several times in the afternoon when I would pass by the table, I could feel myself wanting to impulsively pick one up and pop it in my mouth. It was AWFUL!


I ran to my emergency orange in the purse to put the urges to rest.


Breakfast- scrambled eggs + avocado

Lunch- chicken breast with (what I think was) pesto sauce + sautéed veggies

Dinner- baby back ribs basted with bbq sauce (I probably won't try this again...) + roasted potatoes

Snack- Orange

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Day 14: Has it really been a full two weeks since I started this journey? Today was my third prep day and, by far, my most successful. I feel much more confident going grocery shopping now compared to my first day and I'm getting better and figuring out what I can make ahead of time.

Oh, and I finally made mayo today! My first two attempts were total FAILS and were the true motivation for me investing in a food processor. I was so excited, I kept showing my boyfriend like it was a masterpiece and I thought it tasted JUST like mayo. Sooooo excited!

Breakfast: Omelet with leftover green peppers and pork carnitas

Lunch: Perfect burgers with lettuce buns and a pineapple slice

Dinner: Buffalo chicken wings with a side of celery in honor of the Super Bowl

Snack: Compliant beef stick that we discovered at our grocery store

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Oh, and I finally made mayo today! My first two attempts were total FAILS and were the true motivation for me investing in a food processor. I was so excited, I kept showing my boyfriend like it was a masterpiece and I thought it tasted JUST like mayo. Sooooo excited!



This made me laugh because I had the exact same experience: the first two tries were a bust (mayo soup, more like), and then the third one was suddenly nice thick creamy mayo! I kept waving it in my husband's face going "Look at this!! It's mayo!!! It's actually mayo!" :lol:

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Hi there - hope you don't mind me popping on your post -  I have a hand immersion blender that I use to make my mayo... works great.  I found the food processor or blender gets too hot and that caused the "broken" mayo.   now that I have switched to the immersion blender -  perfect mayo every time.


Good luck with your journey !!

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It's been a few (very busy!) days! Somehow I ended up at day 20 of Whole30 and I'm still feeling motivated despite having a rocky week. My food prep game was bad and there was even one day where I had to eat a Lara bar because I just simply didn't have access to lunch. 


But the more I do food planning and food prep, the more comfortable I get. I finished up my plan of this coming week and only have TEN THINGS I need to get at the store tomorrow! Can you believe it?? I thought buying all of these ingredients was NEVER going to pay off and I would be spending $100+ every week for the rest of my life. But this week makes me feel encouraged and I'm excited.


I had a dream the other knight that I was visiting my sister and was chowing down on pink jelly beans + peanut butter cups. Just mindlessly eating like I used to do. And in my dream, I suddenly remembered that I wasn't supposed to eat that stuff and I felt SO GUILTY and angry at myself. I was relieved when I woke up and found out it was just a dream.


Breakfast: Banana

Lunch: Salad with steak slices and italian vinaigrette (delicious! I loved this vinaigrette!)

Dinner: Chicken stir-fry (I ended up adding salt and pepper which really helped with the flavor)

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  • 2 weeks later...

Day 29.


It doesn't seem possible that 29 days have already passed since starting on this Whole30 adventure. It was a great experience and, honestly, I love how I feel and can't imagine returning to the binge-eating lifestyle that I had grown so accustomed to.


I've learned a lot. Like how to properly bake fish, sear chicken breasts, use spices to add an extra kick to regular food... and I've gotten really good and grocery shopping and meal planning (something I used to DREAD). I love being prepared and knowing that what I'm putting in my body is good food. 


Actually, I've even been liking my black coffee. Creamer will make an occasional appearance, but for the most part I think I'll do without. 


Really looking forward to day 30, but also looking forward to what happens after!

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