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Digestion trouble...

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Hi! I'm in the midst of my whole30 (day 20!) and I am still having issues! Not to share TMI, but I have been eating whole30ish for a few month, and finally got hard core and went stictly whole30. Previous to my start date I was already experiencing some digestive issues (runs or constipation) when I would eat less healthy. I was hoping that the a strict whole30 would help clear that up. The first couple of weeks were on the runny side and the last week has been stopped up and very uncomfortable.

Have I not given it enough time? I was using some digestive enzymes prior to my whole 30 and I wonder if I should start taking them again. Or if I should try magnesium. I'm still not sleeping as well as I wish I could. And I was reading that magnesium can help with sleep and makes you poop. Any advice would be welcome. Thanks!

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First of all...I would say give it more time. But in the mean time I would try the magnesium to help get things moving, Natural Calm is a good one to start with, should help with the sleep as well...I take digestive enzymes regularly so I always think they are a plus...but did you think they were helping when you were taking them prior to W30? If so, add them back in...

Keep at it though... :D

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Hi Heather,

I'm thinking it must be one of the foods you are eating, and perhaps low good bacteria in your gut. Have you reviewed any foods you are now eating a lot of that you weren't before? For me it was nuts and eggs. Definitely try the magnesium, and I recommend the powder magnesium citrate, as it is better absorbed than the other forms. Lots of water?

Good going on your progress. We are almost at the finish line! Will you be doing another 30 after? -Di

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