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Starting Monday February 8th...anyone else?


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My origanal start day was today but my husband who wants tp do this too wants to enjoy the superbowl first. And one of my best friends wants to start as well but she has company all this week so the 8th is a perfect start date for us all. Im 34 my husbands 35 and We both have autoimmune diseases (he has rheumatoid arthritis and I have hashimotos)

We are looking forward to finding out whats really affecting us, and im hoping the byproduct will be a bit of weightloss, better sleep and clearer skin and just in general better food habits for both of us. We dont eat out too much as we live in a very small town but we are both nightime snackers which isnt good for us.

Looking forward to seeing where this takes us.

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I'm going to start on the 8th too!  I'm a 37 year old new mom to a 6 month old daughter.  My eating habits are horrible and have begun to eat more and more sugary foods and breads.  I'm nursing, so I know my current diet isn't great for my daughter.  I decided to wait until after the super bowl too, for one last hoorah! 

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Congrats on selecting a date!


One thing I wanted to mention... the amount of suck and hangover that occurs in the first few days is DIRECTLY related to how bad your diet was previously... people who do the 'hurrah' can really feel the carb flu/hangover symptoms a lot more than people who ease into this.  That's not to say that you can't have your superbowl party but we do suggest that you start being mindful of what you're eating as an pre-investment into your upcoming 30 day program.

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Congrats on selecting a date!

One thing I wanted to mention... the amount of suck and hangover that occurs in the first few days is DIRECTLY related to how bad your diet was previously... people who do the 'hurrah' can really feel the carb flu/hangover symptoms a lot more than people who ease into this. That's not to say that you can't have your superbowl party but we do suggest that you start being mindful of what you're eating as an pre-investment into your upcoming 30 day program.

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Congrats on selecting a date!

One thing I wanted to mention... the amount of suck and hangover that occurs in the first few days is DIRECTLY related to how bad your diet was previously... people who do the 'hurrah' can really feel the carb flu/hangover symptoms a lot more than people who ease into this. That's not to say that you can't have your superbowl party but we do suggest that you start being mindful of what you're eating as an pre-investment into your upcoming 30 day program.

Thanks for the great advice. I'm not to worried about my start as ive been eating pretty clean the past few weeks and im not planning on going overboard for the superbowl. Im mainly waiting to support my husband. He had to have emergency dental surgery last year just before the superbowl after being excited and counting down the days till football,wings and beer. Needless to say hes been looking forward to this year since then. But i am going to bring some healthier options even if im the only one to partake. I dont want to be "hungover" on our first day, i want to be excited and looking forward to the journey.

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